Sniper pictures

NIce pics JK111, probably italy I'm assuming? Don't get many Mediterranean/afrika sniper photos
Thank You for the new pics . I have never seen some these till now . Thank you to those who just posted these great pics
Interesting how there are EisenKreuz 2nd Klasse ribbons, a few wound badges, an infantry assault badge and even an eisenkreuz, but for the most part there's not that many awards among them. Many of them are obergefreiters too.

Dave Roberts - any progress on your book?
I am still collecting Pics . The original person I partnered with decided to hang up his hat and go in a different direction so I have just been building on the photo library I had . I have talked with a couple other friends who have done books in the past and talked about having them help with getting my book put together . So I have a couple different possibilities I may go with .