Questionable SS Helmets

I bet there are a slurry of "SS" helmets being pawned off at shows to disconnected collectors in the near future. I would also say if you could prove who did them there's a case that could be made for criminal proceedings?

I think that would be difficult. Someone could always claim that they were restorations, re-enactor lids, etc... Unless there's a law that criminalizes TR reproductions, then I don't think anyone would prosecute. It's not like forging currency. However, if a seller claimed they were original, then a buyer might have a claim.
Fbi - fine art forgeries

Here is an FBI webpage about fine art scams. It's a bit dated (2008) but it shows a government interest in stopping forged pieces.

Don’t let it happen to you. Special Agent Brusokas has a few words of advice when it comes to buying high-dollar art:

“Get a complete provenance or chain of custody on each piece to find out where the art came from originally. Was it obtained directly from an estate, for example? This information provides a way to double-check the piece’s history instead of just relying on the certificate of authenticity.”
“Research the dealer carefully. Check the Better Business Bureau for possible complaints. Find out if they sell only online or if they have a gallery.”
“For pieces of art you already own, you can go back to the gallery and ask for provenance on your print. You can also contact artists’ foundations which will do side-by-side comparisons with originals for a fee.”
“And remember, when you’re trying to find that one treasure from someone’s garage, that’s when you’re more likely to let your guard down.”
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Whether template painted or an original Pocher decal, it looks brand new and does not match anything else, condition-wise.

Vets, dealers and collectors have been slapping original Pocher SS decals on all kinds of helmets for years.
CLK64 5448. Sham-pain ruin on a no-decal slate gray M42. 1944 dated linerband. Green, Tan and Red-Brown (3-color camo) applied in palm tree fashion.

The sham-pain ruin itself appears in SS-Steel p.265, top-right. Since the camo is applied to the ruin, I guess the camo is fake as well.

Notice that the wear on the white shield is consistent with paint wear, not celluloid decal wear, but apparenlty no one could see it.


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That's Ken N's site. Doug B. sold off his complete 3r collection for the most part. Ken is brokering some of his lids. Bill Shea also bought a sizable amount of the collection. I think that's an X doug B lid. Not saying that proves anything.
CLK64 5448. Sham-pain ruin on a no-decal slate gray M42. 1944 dated linerband. Green, Tan and Red-Brown (3-color camo) applied in palm tree fashion.

The sham-pain ruin itself appears in SS-Steel p.265, top-right. Since the camo is applied to the ruin, I guess the camo is fake as well.

Notice that the wear on the white shield is consistent with paint wear, not celluloid decal wear, but apparenlty no one could see it.

Laughable camo even before the sham-pain debacle.. Looks like it was used for paint ball !! I wonder how the fake decal found it's way under a real camo paint job ?

One ugly camuflage.............


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That's Ken N's site. Doug B. sold off his complete 3r collection for the most part. Ken is brokering some of his lids. Bill Shea also bought a sizable amount of the collection. I think that's an X doug B lid. Not saying that proves anything.

Doug defended that 'paint-ball' sham-pain camo back in 2011. This thread is where I began making connections between un-issued ND CKL M42s, the rail car cache of March 1945 and the sham-pain ruin.

Doug defended that 'paint-ball' sham-pain camo back in 2011. This thread is where I began making connections between un-issued ND CKL M42s, the rail car cache of March 1945 and the sham-pain ruin.

Well, its always easy judging them when you know the right answer. Doug, knows now how wrong he was and I think he made that clear. And he publicly apologized to you. I know you two didn't see eye to eye in the past.
Well, its always easy judging them when you know the right answer. Doug, knows now how wrong he was and I think he made that clear. And he publicly apologized to you. I know you two didn't see eye to eye in the past.

And I suppose it is easy for us to say "I forgive you" when we are not the victim of a 5K to 20K helmet hoax.

I noticed that C-SS discussion has died off at the other forums. I guess they are just hoping that the sham-pain ruin debacle will just go away and that the victims will just use it all as a "learning experience". But if I know the average collector/victim, they are not going to take this sitting down.
A German WW2 M40 Helmet With Original Liner System EF64 With Reproduction Decals

Price: $325.00

This is a great looking and original WW2 German M40 helmet with its original liner system. The helmet is a very weakly stamped EF64, the lot number is present but its hard to make out any digit besides a 2. Inside the leather is in excellent condition. The name on the rear skirt doesn't look very old and lke the reproduction decals I think was added to enhance the helmet. Overall a very solid and original WW2 M40 helmet.

This dealer has sold a number of reproduction SS helmets very reasonably as reproductions. They are well done, IMO as they appear to use authentic helmets as the base and are helmets that are bound to circulate and surface for sale as originals someday.


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A German WW2 M40 NS66 Helmet #7373 With Reproduction SS Decals

Price: $275.00

This is a very solid WW2 German M40 helmet. The shell is a NS66 with a lot number of 7373. Inside the liner system is in excellent shape and appears to be 1940 dated; I am not sure if it is original to the shell though as the split pins look to have been re-crimped. The chinstrap is a reproduction as are the decals. The helmet displays nicely and the liner is in excellent condition.

A 'fatrunes' SS. M40 as DD SS suspicious. NS did not produce a factory SS helmet.


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A M40 Double Decal SS EF66 With Reproduction SS Decals

This is a nice and original M40 helmet with reproduction double SS decals. The shell is an EF66 with a lot number of 7984. The shell and liner are in original WW2 configuration and are original to each other. The liner is in great condition with tight split pins. The paint is original WW2. Another nice and original WW2 M40 that was altered post WW2 with reproduction decals.


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A M40 Double Decal SS Q64 With Reproduction SS Decals

This is a complete and original mid WW2 M40 Q64 with a lot number of 7328. Everything on this helmet is original except for the decals. At some point someone applied reproduction SS decals on both sides. These could easily be removed to return this helmet to its original wartime condition or they could be left in place to serve as a filler piece. The helmet is in excellent condition and shows very little wear so it may have been an unissued helmet. Displays great.


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A M42 Single Decal SS CKL64 #5669 Reproduction SS Decal

Price: $275.00

This is a very solid and original WW2 German M42 helmet. The helmet shell is a rear stamped ckl64 with a lot number of 5669. The original leather liner system is present and dated 1941. All split pins and rivets are tight and have not been toyed with. This is just a nice and original no decal M42 that someone enhanced with post war SS decals.


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A M42 Single Decal SS Helmet With Reproduction SS Decal Late War Liner System

This is an interesting one. The shell is a late war rear stamped EF64 with a lot number of 4764. The liner system is a very late war type but I have no idea if it is real or not as there are not many examples to compare it to. To error on the side of caution I am listing the liner as a reproduction. The SS decal is a reproduction. The shell is original and it has its original factory finish.


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How hard is it to remove the fake decals? Without the decals, it seems like a good buy at $275.....