Senior Member
My question is if collectors can not agree on what is real and what is fake why would anyone spend $3-4k? Won't the amount of fakes in the hobby eventually drive collectors away or at the minimum make it so new collectors don't want to enter? At that point it becomes supply and demand. If there are not enough buyers the helmets will drop in price. Both the real and the fake ones because it seems the line is being blurred by too many collectors not wanting to believe a fake is a fake, and maybe even some being too cynical. However I would err on the side of caution. If an expert like M45 says it is fake, even if it maybe real, it wouldn't earn my money.
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Be careful of that thought process. You are dealing with one man's opinion and possibly an agenda. Im not saying he does or doesn't but, it seems so to me. I have thought what he is doing here is worth while and needs to be brought to the collector communities attention but, then there is the flip side. Any helmet he doesn't like he condemns on his terms. He is flat out wrong if he feels all camos or helmets for that matter should exude the wear patterns and age patterns. I have argued this point till I was blue in the face. It doesn't sink in.
Consider this thread as one mans opinions and one mans agenda and doesn't speak for all. NOTE: extreme caution needs to be taken when buying any form of militaria or collectable for that matter. This doesn't change with German helmets. Yes, Buying mint near mint decaled helmets is your best option in the long haul IMHO. This is my opinion. Others will differ. " Questionable camos" is the name of this thread NOT fake camos. This needs to be reeled in a bit as to where this thread started and now where's its going. My 2 cents.