Questionable Camos

that's true. But, I was basing my comment on the decals on the police helmet. ET, NS, Q all had their own patterns.

Not until 1940 and later. During the M35 era all of the 5 German helmet factories used the same NBE/BC style (non-bordered police eagle insignia paired with the bordered party colors shield).
Here's a late war Q M42. Is anything wrong with it?

Seeing elaborate field mods on late war helmets should be a red flag in itself. I have seen Q M42s in factory slate gray, green gray, luft blue gray and several reissues of dark green and black.

However, your resto looks quite good and fits with a late war theme re: Battle of Berlin. It kind of has a burned look to it which I personally find appealing.
ZF41 and M45 are correct. When I got the Q M42 shell the original interior (almost black) paint was in good shape but exterior paint had been almost completely removed. I repainted it with textured dark slate gray and added oxidation and light wear to match.
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I don't like the look of the liner. IMO it shows alot of artificial aging with dirt, debris, etc. I don't see any of the sweat staining I would expect from a combat used helmet.
A q that late was made too late to make the party. They are quite scarce and no one has seen one yet in its original state. Un-till just recently no one ever thought Q made an M42.
A q that late was made too late to make the party. They are quite scarce and no one has seen one yet in its original state. Un-till just recently no one ever thought Q made an M42.


The liner is 100% real and unaltered. There is some sweat staining at the front and very light wear elsewhere. There's spots of dark paint near the crown that were there when I got it. As mauser99 said, these helmets saw very limited use, if any. I don't have Brian's book but he may be able to provide a date range on these M42 Qs. Lot # is DN546.
I have a number of these; factory slate gray, black reissue, black with civic liner non-beaded.

According to L. Baer, Quist began M42 production in mid 1944.
Fake M42 Sauerland

NS 68 M42. Fake interior and exterior paint and decal. Fitted with original liner and replacement drawstring

I have asked many questions on this forum only to be avoided. This place is no better than any other. Another GOB place Craig.
I have asked many questions on this forum only to be avoided. This place is no better than any other. Another GOB place Craig.

It seems that you like to hijack threads. You would better serve your cause by starting your own thread, making your assertion, and posting your evidence. There aren't many forums that would allow you to do that even with overwhelming evidence. The GOBs avoid this place.

It seems that you like to hijack threads. You would better serve your cause by starting your own thread, making your assertion, and posting your evidence. There aren't many forums that would allow you to do that even with overwhelming evidence. The GOBs avoid this place.

Poppykosh sir

Do you have any idea what value this has for the future?

What ever you have invested in helmets is going to be in the toilet.

I appreciate what "Rex" or whatever his real name has posted, but it is going to kill the hobby.

Now I know why Doug has left the hobby.
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Are you afraid that you can't back up your claims and you'll look foolish?


You would be the foolish one if you posted any of your helmets.

I have not seen ONE of your helmets. If you don't have anything to contribute other than babble you don't belong here in the helmet forum.

Go join a political forum. That's what all your starting posts are about.
Let me ask you this "Rex". How many of your reproductions have you seen sold as original?

I don't mind responding Ken, but as I said in my first post, I won't get into ethical arguments because I've been through this already on GHW. If you want to read the long thread you can find it there. Besides, there is no way I can adequately address your concern so I'm not going to give it a lot of effort. Fact is, some of my helmets have been sold as originals by others. I don't take responsibility for the dishonest actions of those people. Just like gun makers don't take responsibility if someone is shot with a gun they make. My goal here is to openly share what I do. That gives interested individuals information on how to recognize my repaints and serves as a wake-up call to inspire collectors to deepen their knowledge and see what's possible in fakery. Of course, I don't have to do this. I could have just silently flooded the market with fakes without anybody ever knowing about it. Like it or not, that's how it is. That's all I have to say.
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I don't mind responding Ken, but as I said in my first post, I won't get into ethical arguments because I've been through this already on GHW. If you want to read the long thread you can find it there. Besides, there is no way I can adequately address your perspective so I'm not going to try. Fact is, some of my helmets have been sold as originals by others. I don't take responsibility for the dishonest actions of those people. Just like gun makers don't take responsibility if someone is shot with a gun they make. My goal here is to openly share what I do. That gives interested individuals information on how to recognize my repaints and serves as a wake-up call to inspire collectors to deepen their knowledge and see what's possible in fakery. Of course I don't have to do this. I could have just silently flooded the market with fakes without anybody ever knowing about it. Like it or not, that's how it is. That's all I have to say.

I admire that.

As many have said in the past. Why do you only make your mark in paint which can be removed. Why not etch them somewhere?
I don't mind responding Ken, but as I said in my first post, I won't get into ethical arguments because I've been through this already on GHW. If you want to read the long thread you can find it there. Besides, there is no way I can adequately address your concern so I'm not going to give it a lot of effort. Fact is, some of my helmets have been sold as originals by others. I don't take responsibility for the dishonest actions of those people. Just like gun makers don't take responsibility if someone is shot with a gun they make. My goal here is to openly share what I do. That gives interested individuals information on how to recognize my repaints and serves as a wake-up call to inspire collectors to deepen their knowledge and see what's possible in fakery. Of course I don't have to do this. I could have just silently flooded the market with fakes without anybody ever knowing about it. Like it or not, that's how it is. That's all I have to say.

Rex I can appreciate what you do. For me, I love the look of a worn camo helmet but I know very little about them and don't really desire to take the time to study them in order to make a sound purchase. Your helmets are a perfect fit for me. They look great, don't cost much and I know exactly what I am getting. I hope to two buy one or two in the future.
I have asked many questions on this forum only to be avoided. This place is no better than any other. Another GOB place Craig.

You seem angry that this place exists. If it was like a "GOB place" I would simply censor your posts and then ban you. What "many questions" have you asked? List them for the forum and understand while you do that no one here is obliged to satisfy your games and bull$hit. If you take issue with what someone posts here then address the issue and support your position like a man. But don't play games to disrupt because you'll end up as little more than the forum dunking booth insult clown.