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A.E.F. Camouflage “Combat” Helmets

Walt's little helmet scam reminds me of another, the Sham pain ruins scam. Certain well-knowns partnered with others to churn out counterfeit SS helmets that would be sold as "genuine" to the unwitting German helmet collectors of the world. The division of labor in this "enterprise" was such that one character gathered the helmets and brought them to the house of the forger, who then micro-painted an SS bug on each one.
Of course the C-SS scam was much more elaborate. There were more people involved including authentication by authors, vetting on helmet forums, the "science of XRFacts" proving them "authentic", vet provenance, etc...
Photo No. 76: The cartoonist Walter Disney, who arrived as a Red Cross ambulance driver late in 1918, admitted in a 1963 interview that he received 10 to 15 French francs for each large Croix de Guerre medal he painted on the back of a leather jerkin. Later Disney partnered up with a southerner from Georgia, whose Army nickname was “Cracker”, to churn out counterfeit war trophies in the form of camouflage German helmets that would be sold as “genuine” to the unwitting American Doughboys. The division of labor in their enterprise was that Disney would provide the painting and Cracker would supply, and then “battle damage” the freshly painted helmets so they could be sold as genuine war relics.