Questionable Camos

I apologize to everyone else for this outburst. This has been an informative threat before these numb nuts felt it necessary to inject themselves.

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M45 is to be commended for his work and advocating on behalf of integrity in the hobby. I don't agree with every position he takes, but neither does everyone agree with mine. That's why we don't censor our way to a sycophant consensus here.

Totally agree.
In my opinion, some people who didn't like having turds called out decided to firebomb this thread until it died. It seems to me that rather than attacking or defending these prized camo jewels, some people instead just personally attacked the man who was expressing his opinions about them. Use your own judgment here.

Again totally agree. Chest thumpers who could not bear other peoples negative opinion of their helmets and the sad nibles saga turned this once informative thread into a personal attack on someone who voiced his opinion.
This is what Sysyphus from ghw wanted to let know to Niblet.
He passed me this message in order to post it here.

Niblet…looks like you still didn't get the reason why you got banned from GHW.
I thought you were smart enough as to understand why but i am probably wrong.

Do you think we were offended till to ban you because you just questioned a Ron's or someone else helmet?
How could you think we are so "small", for such a stupid thing… unless you measure the others only through your personal point of view?

We debate helmets everyday and no matter who is posting them, who has something to argue in a good manner is welcomed in Walhalla.
I think there are members here which join GHW as well and no one of them was kicked out because have stated their opinions.

This is what Hambone told you once and that is the simple truth.
read the post attached and fix those points into your mind.

You said you even never met Ron but you take the freedom to state some bullshit and offending him?…and who knows how many other "nice" things you said about others.
Now, your "double face" is why we were bothered at GHW…once we knew the real way you use to speak behind.
You don't even know what a basic respect means and there isn't clearly the same layer of communication and behavior between you and that forum.
How could you think i wanted to have a dialogue with you if you started to call me syphilis?
you must think you are so funny..!

You are even not aware of the way you are or you act with people, seems like.
Then, if you prefer.. you can imagine there is a conspiracy from GHW against you.

you've got back what you gave. That's all. very simple.

I am italian not an english motherlanguage, so i hope the communication is clear.



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You are right, it was venting and does nothing to advance the subject. I took it down. Sometimes screaming seems to be the only thing to do when things are really dense and reason goes nowhere.


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So did Niblet get banned from GHW for statements made here? Maybe I read that note wrong. I would hope and think that isn't so.

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You are right, it was venting and does nothing to advance the subject. I took it down. Sometimes screaming seems to be the only thing to do when things are really dense and reason goes nowhere.


I understand, and thanks.
There is absolutely no friggin' reason to disparage someone who spent his life in this hobby and who is not out to make a buck. What you are suggesting is appalling and says more about you than anything else.


Hey Frank,,,this is exactly what I'm talking about,,,PLEASE read this:
I AM NOT DISPARAGING ANYONE ,,,OK??? (please give me an example of how I was doing this?)
I am asking a question regarding the authenticity of several exotic helmets that a certain individual posted for discussion!
ok got it?? I cant help the fact that this person may be near and dear to some of you,,thats fine,,thats great,,but I want to discuss the helmets here
NOT the person,,,WHY cant you get that through your noggin???
He challenged RonR over there (in his own special way.}


I challenged some Helmets that the above named person posted for discussion and was nuked
for even mentioning that there could be any issues,,,,heres a question,,,why couldnt we discuss the origin and
characteristics of the helmet instead of just banning me? I can guarantee you if I posted some of his helmets
I would be under a microscope
Hey Frank,,,this is exactly what I'm talking about,,,PLEASE read this:
I AM NOT DISPARAGING ANYONE ,,,OK??? (please give me an example of how I was doing this?)
I am asking a question regarding the authenticity of several exotic helmets that a certain individual posted for discussion!
ok got it?? I cant help the fact that this person may be near and dear to some of you,,thats fine,,thats great,,but I want to discuss the helmets here
NOT the person,,,WHY cant you get that through your noggin???

Hey Nibbler:

Man... Please, drop at least this victim-hood thing and put on your big boy pants – it is unbecoming.

This is disparaging:

(...) also,,what he's doing (either knowingly or or not) is setting up his heirs as his collection will be worth thousands
once he expires,,or decides to liquidate as every lid will be deemed the greatest as it was once form the "RON R" collection and thats what really grinds my gears (...)

It's also mean spirited and hateful.

You weren't talking about helmets, but spewing similar trash about the owner of the helmets. That is called "ad hominem;" look it up.

People at GHW like discussing helmets, it is a helmet forum. You can criticize helmets all day long and not get banned. There are only a few rules, number one is being respectful towards other members. You had an axe to grind, knew full well what you were doing when you went down that road, and you knew the outcome. Just quit this "Woe is me!" attitude.

Kind regards,
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Thats simply a bunch of baloney and you know it,,
That comment alone is not enough to ban anyone,,,unless they were just waiting for me to twich
say anything even remotely 'disparaging",,no,,they had me in their sights for being a non conformist and believing all the hype they are selling

besides that truly is what is happening here,,,weather intentional or not

I called his "turtle shell" lufty a "movie prop" and gave my opinion of it,,,
instead of discussing the virtues of said helmet,,I was tossed,,,stop trying to make it look like I was in the wrong
I'm done discussing this subject here,,lets discuss helmets
This is the most comical helmet I have seen in awhile:


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Your a nasty individual with shite for brains when it comes to helmets and probably anything else for that matter.

Why don't you do the world a favour and (I have a small penis) off for good?

QUOTE=Niblet;208482]Thats simply a bunch of baloney and you know it,,
That comment alone is not enough to ban anyone,,,unless they were just waiting for me to twich
say anything even remotely 'disparaging",,no,,they had me in their sights for being a non conformist and believing all the hype they are selling

besides that truly is what is happening here,,,weather intentional or not

I called his "turtle shell" lufty a "movie prop" and gave my opinion of it,,,
instead of discussing the virtues of said helmet,,I was tossed,,,stop trying to make it look like I was in the wrong
I'm done discussing this subject here,,lets discuss helmets
This is the most comical helmet I have seen in awhile:[/QUOTE]
Your a nasty individual with shite for brains when it comes to helmets and probably anything else for that matter.

Why don't you do the world a favour and (I have a small penis) off for good?


see what i mean? I say this helemt is a high end fake for various reasons I mentioned in my original post
and your reply is cursing?
why dont you tell me why you believe this helmet is legitimate?
anyone for that matter?
why dont you tell me why you believe this helmet is legitimate? anyone for that matter?

Because that's not what people like this do. They'd rather insult the messenger than discuss the object. This is what people do when they don't have an argument. They talk about "vet bring backs" or "one lookers" or "esteemed experts" or "old collections" or their "fifty years of experienced" or "lightning bolts coming from the sky." Or they just call you a "nasty individual with shite for brains." Its easier than defending a shiny trinket.
Hey, Left Nad....instead of putting all the heavy lifting on us use your expertise of spotting fake helmets to use and tell us why it's fake !
Oh wait you cant. Just like m45 cant. There is no proof. It's strictly opinion. Opinions are like a$$ holes everyone has one.. Yours isn't worth shite and never has been. You, as I labeled you are a sock puppet and all you did is repost M45's posts over on GHW and everyone saw what you were doing.

The main Issue and now as cross forum debate is how M45 was banned but somehow was able to get onto a private forum and steal photos and repost here and critic members helmets. A total troll move and a bad way to get a point across.

This is why we are where we are here today..IMHO

I tried to continue postings lids here and keep the discussion intelligent and relevant and on point. But, chaos and insults seem to be easier to post for most folks. :facepalm:
I don't view the discussion of camo helmets so much as spotting fakes, but more like learning how to spot real ones. I ASSUME that they are all fake, and I then make the helmet prove itself. If someone wants to show off a piece, that's cool, but I'm not going to play along and try to prove a negative, that it isn't real.

Regarding the recent helmet, I can't pass judgment on the turtle luftwaffe helmet show, not based on one picture, but the pattern immediately makes me suspicious. Its uncommon and is thus less likely to be original, in my opinion, but that doesn't mean it isn't. Camo helmets are all about opinions, unless you painted it yourself during WW2, there really isn't a way to confirm authenticity. If anyone has other shells to post, I'm game for discussing them. This neverending stream of insults is tiring, and its pathetic quite honestly. I can watch the news if I want to see people insult each other over and over.
IMHO, the subject "turtle shell" Lw. helmet cannot be authenticated nor de-authenticated from the photograph and maybe not any photographs. If the helmet has been cleaned or something applied to it to make is shine like that the appearance would be changed. These helmets were, regrettably, cleaned and had varnishes and such applied.

So, I am unimpressed with pronouncements that it is fake based upon that photograph. I am also unimpressed with pronouncements that it is an unquestionable original from the photographs. Let's keep this on a non-emotional, non-profane, non-insult level and discuss the artifacts. I'm going to start issuing avatars and nicknames, then it's Infernus.