J.P. Sauer K98k Serials and Data, 1934-1944

Code 147 1940 Serial Number 9602 v

Serial Number:
9602 v

Some more photos you can find here: J.P. Sauer & Sohn 147 1940 late "v" block

Stamps / Markings

SN 9602 v, Reichsadler, 7,9 , WaA4, WaA4, WaA4, 8x57IS
Barrel Code
936 144 40 D936 (1940 Lotnumber 144)
Barrel Manufacturer
BSW-Gustloff Werke Suhl
Receiver left side
SN 9602 v, Reichsadler, proof mark, K.N.M.11375.
Receiver right side
e/359, e/37, e/37
Bolt Body
SN 9602 v, proof mark, e/37
Bolt Sleeve
SN 9602, e/37, e/37
Firing Pin
SN 9602, e/37
Safety Catch
SN 9602
SN 02, e/37
Extractor Collar
Bolt Stop
SN 02, e/37, e/37
Trigger Sear Fork
SN 02, e/37, e/37
SN 9602, e/37, e/37
SN 9602
Magazine Follower
witout marking
Rear Sight Base
e/359, e/359
Rear Sight
SN 9602, e/359
Rear Sight Guide
SN 9602, e/359
Rear Sight Bar
SN 9602, e/359
Rear Sight Bar Lock
SN 9602, e/359
Upper Band
SN 9602, e/37
Lower Band
SN 9602, e/37
Band Spring
SN 9602, e/37
Front Sight Base
Bajonett Mount
SN 9602, e/37
SN 9602 v, e/37
Stock right side
WaA37, WaA37, H (Heer)
Stock bottom
SN 9602 v
Stock under bolt stop
Stock Channel
SN 9602, Na 4 31 40 (4th day 31st week 1940)
Handguard Channel
SN 9602
Privot Bearing
Front Triggerguard Screw
SN 02
Rear Triggerguard Screw
SN 02

In my last posts I forgot to mention the "38" mark in the stock under the bolt stop, maybe somebody know something about the meaning.

Best regards,


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I have an old Russian Capture. Typical jumble of numbers, laquer finish. Bore worn but shines. Trigger guard and bolt body electro-pencil'd to match receiver. Closeup pics taken with Celestron digital microscope. ( great for old eyes and obscure markings!)

ce (slant) 42

sn 8794

mixmaster #s

RC Sauer 1 a x.jpgRC Sauer 3 a x.jpgRC Sauer 12 a x.jpgRC Sauer 13 a x.jpgRC Sauer 2 a x.jpgRC Sauer 9 a x.jpgRC Sauer 11 a x.jpgRC Sauer 6 a x.jpg
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J.P. Sauer (S/147) 1938

Markings on this rifle (see jpegs).
I am curious about the stamping on the top of the barrel "cxm35140bys" was this a subcontractor to J.P. Sauer? Or a replacement barrel?
I would welcome any information.


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It's a re-barrel, - the barrel is made by Geco, a Berlin firm that made barrels for the ordnance system, and rarely for assemblers (mostly Gustloff late). It is an early barrel, 1940'ish, so maybe it saw some action. That the stock was replaced support this too, - dwc buttplates are usually ordnance spares, though they did supply a few to assemblers, BLM and Gustloff for example.
J.p. Sauer & sohn (ce 42) k98

Here's some information on my CE 42 K98K I bought last Saturday.

All but two parts has matching numbers on them (magazine follower and magazine floor plate). Most likely this rifle has been arsenal rebuild in Germany during WWII since someone took the time to stamp the serial number on all replacement parts (stock, handguard, butt plate and barrel). Most important there is no import stamp on the rifle.

Top of receiver markings are e/37 CE (in script) 42
Left side of receiver markings are e/swastika 5732/d (in script) then Mod.98
Right side of receiver marking is a e/359
Left side barrel marking are e/swastika 5732/d two e/26 or e/28
On the bottom of the barrel the markings are CYW CRV CRV in box. ( I pretty sure the barrel has been replace but I could be wrong.)
On top of the barrel shank is 7910.2
Rear sight has 5731 and e/359 on all parts.
Front sight has e/37
Trigger guard has 5732
Trigger has 32 on left side
magazine floor plate has a 0 on it. (most likely a replacement).
Magazine follower has 82 on it (most likely a replacement).
The stock is an early laminated one with flat butt plate. Marking on the bottom are P 5732 byf three e/WaA665. (again replacement)
Inside of stock and handguard is stamp 5731.
Under butt plate is stamp BO 3 45 40
Stock recoil lug has a script letter on it. Most likely taken off a older model 98.
Butt plate is mark 5732 over old number which has been stamp over with 0 stamps.
Both barrel bands has 5732 on them.
Bolt assembly has 5732 on all parts.
Bolt nob base has e/swastika and 5732 d(in script).
Extractor has 32 and e/37.
I can not find any arsenal rebuilding marking on it.
If you need anymore information please ask.



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It is a replaced barrel, it can't be otherwise, - the barrel maker is Fritz Werner (Berlin), they made a relatively small number of ordnance spares. Usually there is a date and lot code on the barrel also. This is not always the case but usually it has a date, lot or both. Does your barrel have any other markings in line with this code?

As to the rifle, impossible to say much with these pictures, obviously the rifle passed through a depot at some point, as it has a barrel that a depot would have installed, - and usually rifles that pass through a depot have significant work done to them, so much of the rest could have been replaced then. Usually depots serialed to match all components, but what was original to manufacture verses replaced is impossible to tell with these pictures. If it went through a depot, it should be marked somewhere on the stock, typically the wrist or buttstock. You might give it a close look for small markings as they can be very small and easily overlooked.

I check the bottom of the barrel again. There's no other marking other then the ones I described. I did took some pictures under the barrel and receiver. On the rear sight base on the right side I did see two small markings they look like K167 in a box and on the bottom there's a script S. On the right side of the stock by the take down washer there's a small marking which is hard to tell what it is but I think it looks like an E or M. I also took some pictures of it and maybe you may know what it is. I also took a picture of the flat butt plate too. I hope this extra information is helpful.



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Here's some more pictures of the stock markings. I thought the last stock marking was a e/WaA655 because it was hard to see but when I took the rifle outside to use the sun light I saw it wasn't. This could be the arsenal rebuild mark.



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Your pictures are less than ideal, but with your description it is clear this is an ordnance rework, an extensive one by the looks of it... the barrel and stock are ordnance spares, the barrel made by Fritz Werner, a very important machinery maker (which probably made some of the machines that made the rifle parts... most metal working firms had some of their machines on hand, at least ones big enough to afford them. They had two facilities, one of which made rifle barrels during the war.). While Fritz Werner barrels usually have lots or dates, or both, there are two others that are just like yours, with neither. Too few are known to determine where these fall in time wise, but I suspect early, - most are dated 1943 or have late style lots. That these have neither suggest these are the first they made, but that is speculation based upon a limited number of observations and the trends of how the others operated.

The markings on this last post show the byf and acceptance for the ordnance status of the stock, the small indecipherable stamp is of the depot that did the work. The manner of the x'ing out of the buttplate is distinctive of at least one firm, think it was Posen, also the small nature of the depot acceptance is similar to their stamp. You really should take a close look at the stamp, see if you can make out any characters under the eagle (it is a small eagle over letters and numbers, Posen is often Psn); they were a prolific reworker in the mid-war period, if I had to guess on the depot, it would be Posen, but others are possible.

Thank you for help me out with all the information you have given me. I check the small stamp on the right side of the stock and you are right. With a jewelers loupe I can see PSN 2 and on the last stamp on the bottom of the stock I can only see the letter P and the number 2. The two middle letters or numbers are unreadable. So my CE 42 was repaired at Posen HZA. Once again thank you.

can anyone tell me the last known sauer K 98k bcd 4 suffix x ?
i have one all matching with nr:56xx suffix x
greeds tom
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Hello Tom,

the last known, at least in this list, is 8453 suffix x. Luckily the owner reported the whole serial number and not just 84xx suffix x.

thank's a real nice Rifle i like it .
the owner dies a few weeks ago maby i can get his ss soldbuch from his son too !
greeds Tom
It goes beyond the x-block, but as stated (hiding serial numbers, details, no pictures etc..), why answer a question when the exchange is one way... it's like someone asking you to help them move their furniture and they not being there when you need a ride home.

...is 8453 suffix x. Luckily the owner reported the whole serial number and not just 84xx suffix x.

My first Mauser CE 44

I'm pretty new as far as Mausers are concerned. Just picked up my first one which is a CE 44. Everything matches from what I can see including under the handguard and stock. All the waffenamt codes seem to be correct and has a cupped buttplate and welded bands. The buttplate and screws are not numbered or marked and the triggerguard and magazine follower are not marked either. Did they stop numbering or marking some parts in the later war year models? Mine is an M block would this be early 44 or late? Thanks