J.P. Sauer K98k Serials and Data, 1934-1944

My Sauer & Sohn

Here is 147, 1940 -1444v.
I just cleaned it up and now it's debute... Well used, but not abused. All matching -- except maybe the cleaning rod.. I can't find a number on it. Lots more photos if you wantum'.
Couple of questions...
1. Why the Walther E/359 proof on the receiver?
2. Are the #'s in the bbl. channel the actual date of mfg??


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In need of wood for 1935 Sauer K98

Came into possession of a 1935 Sauer K98, SN 8206 S147G. It has Weimar Republic marks. The walnut stock has been butchered (duffel cut), and the sling-slot hole and disc were filled in the butt area of the stock.
I want to find a replacement authentic stock for this. What should I look for, and any suggestions on sellers?
Oh my 1937 RC Sauer's serial number is 5544L to whoever keeping a record of them.
jp sauer and sohn 1939

jp sauer and sohn 1939 serial number 4565 r in cursive script 147. The bolt and receiver match as does most pieces I do believe the stock doesn't match. It does however have the eagle over swastika on butt stock. I am new here so i hope that this will help.
Welcome to the forum, what waffenamts are on the right side of the receiver? What does the siderail look like? Can you see the barrel code? How is the barrel marked?

jp sauer and sohn 1939 serial number 4565 r in cursive script 147. The bolt and receiver match as does most pieces I do believe the stock doesn't match. It does however have the eagle over swastika on butt stock. I am new here so i hope that this will help.
1937 Sauer J.P. Sauer 4839M all matching including buttplate, screws, extractor, extractor ring, firing pin, everything except the WaA 655 front band that looks like it belongs anyway. At some time the stock which is duffle cut but hidden by the rear band appears to have been sanded lightly, the cartouches in front of the takedown disk are gone but one is under the grip and the serial number is readable and matches the rifle. Hand guard does too.






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j.p. sauer s/137 1937

I have a Jp Sauer s/137 Russian capture k98 with matching stock correct serial number under the barrel on the stock but the rest is pretty mismatched. Markings include several large Weimar eagles. Serial number is 8970
JP Sauer and Sohn 1943 - early serial number

First post - I'm glad to be here! Bought this RC from Classic Arms back when they still were in stock. Probably 5-6 years ago. It's a CE 43 w/ serial# 106 i --- Model 98 is in old script.

Stock matches but from what I can tell matching ends there. Haven't stripped it but I do know that the bolt and floor plate are not numbered. Bore is excellent and pitting is very minimal. Overall a very nice example. I will see about posting some pics if anyone is interested. Not sure if I should take off the reddish gloss in the stock or leave it be as a historical captured piece.

I went through all pages but could not find photographic evidence that J.P. Sauer had any markings under the bolt release on the stock. I have a late 30 (35-39?) JP stock with WaA214 Weimar eagles that has "43" stamped in the wood right where the bolt release lever goes. I have heard that this is a common place for a stamping but havent found any others.


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1939/147 all matching

serial: 5693 i-block
proofs: e/359, e/37, e/37
barrel code: S39D66
rear band is a 1938 left over Sauer e/214
replacement unmarked cleaning rod
armorer's replacement rear trigger screw
armorer's replacement milled band spring

Another totally matching 1939/147 I saw on GunBoker:

serial: 3801 i-block
proofs: e/359, e/37, e/37
barrel code: S39D780
no cleaning rod


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Russian Capture

S/147 1937
Old eagles on the receiver, left to right 359-214-214

Anything else I should look for?
S/147 K and ce 44 with fxo barrel

I have this ones from Sauer in my collection ;

one S/147 k (Russian capture) nr 6403 (no suffix) right on the receiver, left ,WaA 114 and 116 and S/147 k
on top just the X-cross (russian capture)
on the barrel just the reichsmark eagle and matching serialnumber no barrelcode
this rifle is with matching serialnumbers but some parts are done with an electric pen like on G43 parts,the stock is laminated....

my other one is;

one ce 44 on the receiver no serial number only the eagle on the left and WaA 280 and 37 right on the receiver
on top ce 44 and the army eagle
on the barrel fxo DB ( Haenel, Suhl ? ) nr 6404 o and WaA 37
this rifle is with a totally matching serialnumber everywhere
the stock is a late version laminated wood and very light not dark .


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CE 41, all matching...no duffle cut or import marks.

Serial: 8920 d-block
Reciever markings: e/359, e/37, e/37
Barrel code: 936 132 40 D93 with (3) e/4's

Stock is unsanded but appears to have been worked with something (steel wool probably) you can still see the H for Heer as well as both waffenamts, there is 1 on the pistol grip area as well, and the serial and 2 more waffenamts are on the spine. Inside the stock has the serial, and then has "Na 2 41 40".

Scattered e/37's and 3/359's all over.
Russian Capture

S/147 1937
Old eagles on the receiver, left to right 359-214-214

Anything else I should look for?

Adding another:

S/147 1938
E(swastika)359, E(old)214, E(old)214 receiver proofs
Barrel code ɕ38 over 547D with three WaA214
The e/211 receivers are scarce, only a couple known, does yours have a "asterisk" under the e/211? The barrel code, are some of the numbers smaller than others, might it be S853 41 G S

If you have the capability, can you take the rifle out of stock and look for any other markings on the receivers, - it is curious this e/211 on such a rifle, I would have thought e/214 had two others not been photographed, but e/211 is only known on a short period for MO & MB, much earlier, and then I have recorded it on a zipper for a FJ piece of gear (cover).

Anyway, also the style of the siderail is also useful on this trends work; I assume yours is a Mod.98 bold, not script? The others are, so i assume your is also.
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Ha....awsome! An anomaly! I thought that might be an odd stamp from what I've learned since taking an interest in these rifles. Had to go back and look at it again to make sure it really is an e/211 after you mentioned it was odd to see it on this rifle:biggrin1:Yep, it has an asterisk underneath it and the e/211 is smaller than the e/37's. As far as the barrel code goes, the S and GS are a larger font than the rest

I can absolutely tear it down to check for any other markings...is there anything in particular I should be looking for? I probably won't have a chance until mid next week though. I can take some pics as well and post them too if you'd like.

And lastly....its the Mod.98 bold on the siderail