J.P. Sauer K98k Serials and Data, 1934-1944

J. P. Sauer. Bcd4

Bcd 4 e/37 acceptance on right receiver, serial 6393 t (cursive), small eagle firing proof. Barrel code ce dg e/37 (twice). Not RC, NIM. Matching stock, serial numbers in stock channels, small take down disk, small e/37 on keel, small eagle, large H. Most bolt parts have i or l. TG stamped byf 135 no number, FP numbered and machined. Butt cap red primer, stamped jvd.
RC but the receiver/barrel are 1937, 3969 h. I believe the stock could be 1937/38 also. What do you think? Maybe a lucky match? The number in the channel on the stock is 450?. Can't make out the last digit.


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1943 block 'CE' 4593 'n?' Not really sure what the letter block is. The '3' looks struck over another number, but all the bolt parts, trigger guard, rear sight components, and floorplate have a '3'.



1942 script 'CE' 6269 'g'.


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I have two 147/ 1939 ser#6751r all maching w/sling captur papers stock has J coffey VE day may 7 1945 carved on stock ser#4254s all maching W/sling
I have two 147/ 1939 ser#6751r all maching w/sling captur papers stock has J coffey VE day may 7 1945 carved on stock ser#4254s all maching W/sling
I have a bolt-mismatch S/147, serial 9249, 1936. Weimar eagles, H-marked stock, WaA 214 on the stock and various parts, with an additonal WaA 115 on the receiver (next to two 214 stamps). Bolt matches itself with serial 1472b. Stock-disk is marked N1098 with a WaA 214 and the letter "k".
I have a bolt-mismatch S/147, serial 9249, 1936. Weimar eagles, H-marked stock, WaA 214 on the stock and various parts, with an additonal WaA 115 on the receiver (next to two 214 stamps). Bolt matches itself with serial 1472b. Stock-disk is marked N1098 with a WaA 214 and the letter "k".

Interesting. MIne is 1206 "a" and N 1202 on the disk...


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R/C dated 1938, 147 code, #390 r
R/C dated 1939, 147 code, #3614 d
R/C dated 1940, 147 code, #9033 u
Vet Bringback dated 43, ce code #4884 bb. All matching except bolt, bolt matches itself.

I have ce/44 9178u. It's matching with bolt proofed 1, qnw triggerguard w/o #s, milled floorplate also w/o #s, stamped bands w #s, white glue stock matching w/ small eagle/ large H, bbl. code slant ce di e/37 e/37, rear sight e/280 w/#s, bayonet lug not marked. R.R. e/280, e/37. R. L. firing proof, script MOD 98. Bill
My JP Sauers

Here's my list. Let me know if you need photos.
Condition Code Type Date Serial No. Receiver
Bolt Mismatch S/147/G 1935 9547a Small slant script, Type II
Bolt Mismatch S/147/G 1935 8436d Larger slant script, Type III
Stock Mismatch S/147 1936 4552a Slant Script
Mismatch S/147 1936 8434b Slant Script
Stock/Bolt mm S/147 1937 2916l Slant Script
Bolt Mismatch 147 1938 2080i Slant Script
Stock Mismatch 147 1938 3456k Slant Script
Bolt Mismatch 147 1939 653 k Slant Script
Stock/Bolt mm 147 1939 7714 r Slant Script
Stock/Bolt mm 147 1939 8773m Slant Script
Partially matching 147 1940 2891a Slant Script
Restoration 147 1940 7023g Slant Script
Stock/Bolt mm 147 1940 5578h Slant Script
Matching 147 1940 2242n Slant Script
Stock Mismatch 147 1940 43t Slant Script
Matching 147 1940 3985t Slant Script
Restoration 147 1940 9391t Slant Script
Stock/Bolt mm 147 1940 9303 v Slant Script
Restoration CE 1941 5504r Slant Script
Stock Mismatch CE 1941 6605a Slant Script
Restoration CE 1941 4008r Slant Script
Matching CE 1941 6018u Slant Script
Restoration CE 1941 5697b Slant Script
Restoration CE 1942 72h Slant Script
Matching CE 1942 1276 Slant Script - Short side rail sniper
Bolt Mismatch CE 1942 1583 o Vertical Script
Restoration CE 1943 3382l Block Script
Restoration CE 1943 3912c Block Script
Partially matching CE 1943 6046 l Slant Script
Matching CE 1943 9880f Slant Script
Restoration CE 1944 7886d Block Script
Stock Mismatch CE 1944 145 v Block Script
Bolt mm bcd 4 1944 1568a E/37 top
Bolt/Stock mm bcd 4 1944 6972x E/37 top & right
ce 43 #2862 RC

041.jpgHere is my Russan capture kriegsmodell, no bayonet or cleaning rod. Bore is spotless! and shoo165.jpgts great!
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CE 41 RC Rguns Import
Serial 3931 "L"
Mod 98 block styling
Barrel marked with matching serial and dfb ct 40 with 3 WaA4 proofs.

DSC_4884 ce 41.jpgphoto2.jpg

CE42 slant script recent SOG Import
Serial 3929 "b"
Mod 98 block styling
Barrel marked with matching serial and dfb EV 41 with 3 WaA4 proofs
Barrel, sight bases and trigger assembly match receiver

DSC_4884 ce42.jpgIMG_0011 (2) ce42.jpgIMG_0012 (2) ce42.jpg

CE43 Vertical Script Receiver, bolt stop and trigger assembly match
Serial 9352 "d"
Mod 98 Gothic styling
WaA280 on receiver


CE44 NIM all matching except stock sporter rescue with unnumbered stamped bands
Sitting now on late CE Norweigian Stock with an original unmarked buttplate
Serial 5231 "r" ? on barrel. Receiver serial blank
Top receiver E/37 proof. E/37 and E/280 on right side.
Mod 98 Gothic styling
Barrel Marked CE dg with 2 deep E/37 proofs


BCD4 Finished by Sauer
NIM all matching except stock sporter rescue with unnumbered stamped bands
Sitting now on an original german late CE white glue laminate stock
Serial 4675 "t" on barrel. Receiver serial blank
Top receiver E/37 Proof and E/37 right side with "1" and small Eagle
Mod 98 Block styling
Barrel Marked CE DO with deep E/37 proof

DSC_4853bcd44.jpgDSC_4849bcd44.jpgIMG_0023 bcd44.jpg

If more info is needed, just ask....
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Can you do images of the right receiver on the ce/41?

The ce/42 with the dfb (BSW) barrel, are you sure that is e/37 on the "barrel"? Should be e/4, also what is the character before the "V" on the barrel? It should be a two character code- probably "FV".

The ce/44 should have a lot number in the barrel code?

If more info is needed, just ask....
Can you do images of the right receiver on the ce/41?

The ce/42 with the dfb (BSW) barrel, are you sure that is e/37 on the "barrel"? Should be e/4, also what is the character before the "V" on the barrel? It should be a two character code- probably "FV".

The ce/44 should have a lot number in the barrel code?

You will have the info you request on late Thursday night.

My apologies, the info and photos will have to wait until Monday. Im on a business trip and left my guns at home... :(
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Thanks, - BSW-dfb sub-contract barrels are not commonly encountered, and only in a fairly narrow range on S&S.
Thanks, - BSW-dfb sub-contract barrels are not commonly encountered, and only in a fairly narrow range on S&S.

Posted up the extra/corrected info and picture in my original post. My apologies for the delay. You were right about the questionable e/37 proofs, they were in fact WaA4. Would you say that the ce42 with the dfb barrel is rare or uncommon? If so, it's such a shame that the bore is garbage.