Big Ben is at it again!

In case anyone of these wunderwaffles surface. :googlie

#1 DOT 1944
Receiver serial: 5242 AL
Notes: H Marked stock

#2 BCD 43
Receiver serial: 5813 K
Notes: H Marked stock

#3 147 1939
Receiver serial: 8003 L
Notes: H Marked stock

#4 S/42 1937
Receiver serial: 375 B
Notes: Reichswehr Proofs
H Marked stock

#5 42 1939
Receiver serial: 7577 N
Notes: H marked stock

#6 S/42G
Receiver serial: 9874 q
Notes: H Marked stock

#7 BCD 43
Receiver serial: 5014 (5014 O block?)
Mag floor plate stamp looks super fishy serial stamp.
H Marked stock, looked wonky.

#8 S/237 1938
Receiver serial: 8189
Notes: H Marked stock

#9 BCD 4
Receiver serial: 6361 a
Notes: no code on barrel

# 10 BCD 41
Receiver serial: 9023 C
Notes: avk Barrel same #
H marked stock

#11 Banner 1934
Receiver code: 78081
Notes: 214 eagle on recoil lug stock
Barrel bands, and floor plate codes look faked?
Stock code : 7782 (8 is faded possible 0)
Has sight hood for 1934...
"UNICORN PROTOTYPE - Severely under priced"
What is this like the fourth batch of these that he has had? They all look exactly the same. Would love to expose the guy cooking these up. Looks like they decided to cut costs and not include the repro sling this time. Well....Until the next batch...
..Would love to expose the guy cooking these up.

That's the cat everyone wants to expose. Who is the sinister alchemist behind these gems? So far he's got that locked up tight. Probably some kind of nondisclosure agreement.
I find it funny that the phont of all the serial numbers look identical...especially on the triggerguard and floorplates...and numerous other things....but hey...if big ben talked to the collectors then I guess he knows what hes talking about! :facepalm:

I find it funny that the phont of all the serial numbers look identical...especially on the triggerguard and floorplates.

Wait, every German factory didn't use the exact same font and exact same waffenamts??? Yes it's literally comical.
Yeah that sentence is quite funny got me a good laugh. I'm still thinking one day he's going to pass out from heat exhaustion on one of his videos!
Yeah or "I made 8k in 29 minutes you purist suckers"

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Exactly, the a$$ hole IS laughing all the way to the bank.......

But the idiots pissing away good money on these "masterpieces", deserve to be taken to the cleaners, by people like this purveyor of humped up sh!t.......

I have nothing but contempt for the fools buying these garbage gunz ........
This situation reminds me of the badly humped Luger a customer bought from a dealer in WI and offered to me at Tulsa. When I asked how much? He replied that he'd like to get back what he paid, which was $2K. Having known that dealer well over thirty years, I believed the would-be seller. As in this case, when the novacaine wears-off, these folks will be trying to recoup whatever they can so these masterpieces will be generating ill will for generations.
You guys had me laughing all morning with this thread and the war eagles. Sadly, Big Ben just came out with a video selling M1 Garands....and that got me fuming with the prices. It's sad that people are actually paying those insane prices for his K98s (with war eagles and all) and now M1 Garands?:facepalm:
You watch, Ben is gonna come up with a formerly captured Garand with WAR EAGLES!!! :facepalm:


rare ss depot marked Garand.

I'm expecting a BNZ 44 proofed Garand as one of a rare handful manufactured there for Skorzemy, correct in every detail according to experts.