Big Ben is at it again!

Anybody want to bet that tomorrow’s surplus deal will be Enfields that they miraculously dug up and will part with for $600+ a pop?

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They sold out at 12:40pm according to the site, or very near that time. I got my email from Classic at 1:16pm, I missed my chance at all those great rifle, much less the prototype.
Anybody want to bet that tomorrow’s surplus deal will be Enfields that they miraculously dug up and will part with for $600+ a pop?

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Around $600 a rifle more like a $1000! Why because their.................they were WWII.............during Operation Market Garden! Yes these were the same type of rifles used by the British paratroopers!
And the truly pathetic thing, as pointed out earlier, is that the new buyers believe, undoubtedly fervently, that they have a legitimate, matching K98k. And in the case of the criminally and amateurishly humped banner, a prototype. It just makes me sick.

The most amazing thing is the description on the Classic website even plainly admits that these rifles are "likely professionally refurbished", including stocks, and the exterior condition doesn't match the more worn condition of the bores. Not defending Classic but beyond them saying "okay, look guys: These are polished, reblued and restamped imports. Please give us a bunch of money for one", it's pretty clear what these are if you have just a few brain cells, even going by the measured statements Classic themselves provide. Yet we have doofuses still shelling out the big bucks on these, willy nilly. There's ignorance but my sympathy is limited for the guys buying these since Classic's own limited admission in the description alone should've been all the red flags you need, even not knowing anything else.
Calling the RC serial number stamp on the left side of the prototype BS stock a rack number is getting into Mitchell's territory.
I’m stunned. Even a basic google search of 1934 Mauser shows banner rifles. Anyway, obviously Bruce and I really didn’t do enough research on our books.

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I’m stunned. Even a basic google search of 1934 Mauser shows banner rifles. Anyway, obviously Bruce and I really didn’t do enough research on our books.

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Lots of prototypes that year apparently. Much testing, super rare.

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Any one taken for a ride by this guy, with these rare 4th Reich Spezials, really works hard for & deserves the screwing he gets.....
Who's buying these??? Have any of the previous batches surfaced on any of the forums?

The buyers will eventually just put them on Gun Broker and sell them for more than they paid for them to a new crop of ignorant rubes. Because Ben consulted “experts”, so these humperific POS rifles are thereby vetted. That, and WAR EAGLES.:googlie

Have any of you wondered if he was a lurker here? How would that go? "Dude you know we all know your shite is fake as phuck" :laugh: