Big Ben is at it again!

Holy shite! Reblued rust buckets with floor plates welded over, ground and restamped, bolts scrubbed and renumbered but hey, all matching. 1938 with a sight hood (must be ekzperi-mental). Don't get me started on the stocks, the 655 stamp must have worked overtime!
The 1934 banner with sight hood is beyond borderline criminal. Who is the serial humper behind all these abominations?
..Who is the serial humper behind all these abominations?

Exactly! That's the million dollar question. They're from 'an exclusive, private collection' or so he says but yes, someone or several someone's are cranking these out. Seems to be a couple months between batches and the amount and look are pretty similar. We know it's not the Schiller Park Scheissewerke or they'd have Frankenberries on them. Or jumbo war eagles.
Second to the last rifle, the bcd41. Did I see the same stacked e/655 stamps. I tried to catch it but couldn't quite make it out. It sure looked like it. Not the correct array in any case. I guess with his clientele it just doesn't matter?
The most annoying thing is all these newly minted collectors who think paying this is a great deal. I noticed on several Facebook groups the number of younger newer collectors who say, “I just want one, so I’ll pay whatever.” Just blows my mind and I guess explains the market price expolosikn. It’s like all common sense is gone.
May lightning strike the warehouse while nobody is in it and burn the whole stinking mess to the ground.
The recoil lug on the 1934 has a later waffenamt. Those stocks are bugus.
Yeah it's a e/214 I saw that. It also has an RC serial number stamped into the left side of the stock. It's so bad

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The rack number stamped into the butt stock of my k98 R/C is as the same as the rifle's serial number. Is it a coincidence and does it make the rifle more collectible?
I made it through the whole video. I laughed, I cried, I left changed.

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We all know how Big Ben gets so sweaty its tough work swinging that hammer!

Anyway I'm betting all these rifles were originally just your typical Russian capture types. Ben probably did get them from a private person who most likely had a couple crates of them and has been sitting on them. Most likely got hard up for money and Ben bought the lot for cheap or maybe fair market value. But I doubt that lol! Probably got a better deal if he bought the whole lot!

Then he got the rifles enhanced them himself and sold them with a bunch of bullshit and fantasy nonsense.

Think it about it guys, if Big Ben bought 25 of these rifles for $300 off this private individual which adds up too around $7500. And then after enhancing them sold them for an average of $1500. Why $1500? Well some are priced at $1000, $1200, $1500, $1800, $2000, and up. So thought it was a good average.

Thats a nice profit of $30,000 for your hump trash. Doesn't take long too make close too $100,000 off hump shite by the the end of the year. Remember he does this about every three or four months. And probably does the work all by himself but has too pay one shop worker $10 hour too move of theis crap and hold the camera for YouTube!