$130,000 Luger

They shut the conversation off on the Luger forums because people were being big meanies to Tom and questioning that #95 too. Poor poor Tom.
I saw that. Disappointing. Strong claims demand strong evidence. Tom's name & #95 are inseparably tied to #01. We're talking $130,000. This isn't an $800 rc.

To add, locking that thread doesn't make the images go away. I'd guess those are all saved, and unless proven otherwise, taints "01" and "95".
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Has Legacy had issues with authenticity outside of high end Lugers? Minus their bore condition ratings, I have been happy with my two purchases from there.
How about this classic?


Originally described as:

"This is an excellent example of an Arisaka Type 97 sniper rifle issued to the Japanese military during WW2."

Later, after being called out on Gunboards the description was updated to this:

"A consignor asked us to auction this rifle, stating that the "sniper components were renumbered" and that's all he knew about it. We also do not know anything about Type 97 snipers. So to clarify, this is not a correct or original Type 97 sniper. The barrel is too short and barrel bands are wrong. This rifle was modified from a WW2 rifle to appear as a Type 97 sniper. We are not claiming it as original or correct, so do not bid as if you will be winning an all original sniper rifle."

Hmm, they don't know anything about Type 97 snipers? I guess they are only experts in Type 99 snipers, since he has an entire video on his YouTube page talking about them. He could have referenced that same video with a photo of a legit Type 97 in it though.

I’m surprised the heavy handed mod there let it go as long as it did…

It was closed at a really bizarre point too. A poster had reiterated their concerns with number 95, including a lot of photo evidence and comparisons expecting Tom to put the issue to rest. The thread was immediately closed after that.
It was closed at a really bizarre point too. A poster had reiterated their concerns with number 95, including a lot of photo evidence and comparisons expecting Tom to put the issue to rest. The thread was immediately closed after that.
I’ve been a NAPCA member since the late 90’s I think…many of the most knowledgeable Axis pistol and Luger collectors out there are members and many of the books we treasure come from those members…and many of those members participate on that forum….that thread shouldn’t have been shut down.
I don’t know enough about these high end Lugers to really have a dog in the fight. But ever since I had my one and only experience with legacy I’ll probably never do business with them again. Admittedly they made it right but for a website that takes such great pictures you can’t tell me that you can’t have a picture of the fucking bore included on listings. Combine that with all these posts I see about Toms rather spotty reputation.
Well, it’s finally been admitted that 95 has had its finish played with, though by who is a total mystery.

However, there is still apparently a second 95 floating around (that no one has pics of) that was getting confused with the worn gun.

This is amazing.
Well, it’s finally been admitted that 95 has had its finish played with, though by who is a total mystery.

However, there is still apparently a second 95 floating around (that no one has pics of) that was getting confused with the worn gun.

This is amazing.
Can't wrap my brain around that.
Here you go Matt, it's over on Jan Still's Luger Forum

.. so I had started reading the closed thread, didn't manage to finish and stopped somewhen on page 2, bookmarked and had wanted to continue reading today. Guess what, thread now totally gone ...

Did anyone make a backup?
.. so I had started reading the closed thread, didn't manage to finish and stopped somewhen on page 2, bookmarked and had wanted to continue reading today. Guess what, thread now totally gone ...

Did anyone make a backup?

You didn't miss much. Tom's SN 95 was shown to be reblued. He attempted to deflect with a story of a second 95 out there, but it's clear from additional photos that it's the same gun.

Tom also tried to claim he didn't vouch for the authenticity of 01 which is completely ridiculous. Anyone who watches the video can see him hawking the gun and defending it.

A second thread attempted to claim factories were in a rush, workers were threatened with execution for missing quotas, so basically anything goes. The HWA was apparently very lenient! Several members were skeptical of this and said so.

Ultimately, both threads were deleted because a dealer was called out for his BS and embarrassed.
Wow. There was a wealth of info on that thread that would be useful for new collectors. Big shame that Mods buckled to pressure and deleted it