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  1. L

    New Member with a few questons

    Thanks for the advice! Id love a C&R but they are pretty useless in new york due to our glorious governor and his wise nys SAFE ACT. All firearms sales have to go through an ffl even with a C&R :-/.
  2. L

    New Member with a few questons

    Thanks for the compliment! The byf 43 is a sporter rescue with matching everything except the stock and handguard and has indeed been re-blued. The Quality seems high though. The only thing i hate about it is whoever did the blue buffed the snot out of it so there are some wavy lines/markings...
  3. L

    New Member with a few questons

    Snow? In Louisiana? That's rough lol. I guess I feel better about the 2 feet I have outside my front door. Makes mighty nice skiing weather though. Hopefully it'll clear up soon and ill come pay you a visit. I've always wanted to try some Cajun food down by the bayou!
  4. L

    New Member with a few questons

    Hey thanks for the invite! If I ever find myself up that way illl give you a shout!:thumbsup:
  5. L

    New Member with a few questons

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! I am also glad to see there are some other younger collectors here especially you guys right in my age bracket. Thank you all from the advice. Money is tight right now so im trying to save for some really nice examples. I really like the early to mid war...
  6. L

    New Member with a few questons

    Heres a few of my script ce41 paid $200
  7. L

    New Member with a few questons

    Hello Everyone! My name is Brian and I've been a lurker for a while now. I live in New York (I know) and I've been collecting military rifles for about 7 years. I'm 23 years old so I'm relatively new to the K98 game hence I don't have much to contribute but I figured I'd introduce myself...
  8. L

    My AX-41 K98K

    That stock damage is very interesting. I've not seen anything like that before.
  9. L

    My 1940 660

    Thats a beautiful find! Amazing! :faint:
  10. L

    Unissued Portuguese Contract 98K

    Wow thats amazing. Too rich for my blood though. Yikes!