New Member with a few questons

Welcome and nice Mauser collection going!.. I started at 18 and like others have wisely put it,... well you know.. Better your best when you can. I don't mind reblue on a shooter but it saddens me when you can no longer see the proofs to better understand it's history. I have daughters with one in the firearms making business and three gewehr savvy nephews all in their early 20's. So doing my part to keep history and these wonder rifles alive. Always great to see more of the new guard picking up the Mauser banner and running with it.

There is so much more info available now than when I started. First rifle was a BNZ 4 all matching that will stay in the family. If you don't have a C&R FFL,.. get one... Makes it so much easier save for your bank statement.

On another note.. Love LA and Cajun food.. So go down and git some! I did go through a major ice storm down there about ten years back delivering a Red Bull vehicle. Never thought it would ice up that far South!...
Thanks for the advice! Id love a C&R but they are pretty useless in new york due to our glorious governor and his wise nys SAFE ACT. All firearms sales have to go through an ffl even with a C&R :-/.