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  1. Dimitri

    Bolt Getting Caught on Front Scope Ring

    The mount and scope are both repros. I don’t know if the mount was drilled/tapped and am unsure as to how I would tell.
  2. Dimitri

    Bolt Getting Caught on Front Scope Ring

    I hadn’t thought of that, but that makes a lot of sense. I’ll double check the base.
  3. Dimitri

    Bolt Getting Caught on Front Scope Ring

    Sorry, I wasn’t sure what the best angle to post was. I’ll add another picture as soon as I get back home.
  4. Dimitri

    Bolt Getting Caught on Front Scope Ring

    I see what your saying. The repro mount being a bit too low had come to mind. I have both rings pushed as far out of the way as possible, but the rear one clears the bolt while the other one doesn’t. Would it be a bad idea to shave down the inner cylinder piece (the thing the bolt screws into)...
  5. Dimitri

    Bolt Getting Caught on Front Scope Ring

    The bolt is rubbing against the front scope clamp (not sure what the correct term is) and getting caught. I'm not sure of how to fix it. It could be that I put the ring on wrong, but I'm unsure how to fix it.
  6. Dimitri

    Bolt Getting Caught on Front Scope Ring

    I need advice on the scope mount I just added to my rifle. It seems that the bolt is getting caught on the front scope ring. Have I installed the ring correctly, or is there something wrong? Will add picture soon.
  7. Dimitri

    8x57 JRS vs 8mm Mauser

    Okay thank goodness. I was thinking that a rimmed gewehr 43 would be stupid but wasn’t fully sure. Wouldn’t you also need to rework the magazines in order to avoid rim lock?
  8. Dimitri

    8x57 JRS vs 8mm Mauser

    I recently purchased an AC44 G43 from an auction who said that it is chambered in 8x57 JRS. I’ve heard that 8x57 JS is the same as 8mm Mauser and both could be interchanged for one another. Is this the same case for 8x57 JRS?
  9. Dimitri

    Sporterized G43

    I can’t tell what’s worse, that they’d take away so many parts and destroy most of what was left, that they’d plate the only good remaining parts to be shining, or the fact they rechambered it to 243 win!
  10. Dimitri

    Sporterized G43 Gewehr 43 Lives Matter
  11. Dimitri

    Shape on Back of G43 Receiver

    I just noticed that some G43 rifles have different shapes on the back of their receivers. This one has a diamond, and my rifle has a heart. Do these shapes have any meaning or are symbolic of something?
  12. Dimitri

    G43 Stock color

    Thank you so much!
  13. Dimitri

    G43 Stock color

    I have a blank repro stock that’s being worked on for my g43, and wanted to find out what the most historically accurate color for it would be. I’ve seen yellowish g43 stocks, but also lots of red burgundy stocks, which color is more accurate history wise?
  14. Dimitri

    Converted G43 Mags

    The bullets would get too nervous and just explode from fear.
  15. Dimitri

    Gewehr 43s ever damaged by magazine?

    Who’s making those?
  16. Dimitri

    Converted G43 Mags

    Is there even a way to fix the holes in the magazine?
  17. Dimitri

    Converted G43 Mags

    Why are there so many converted G43 magazines? I see them all over eBay and on gunbroker and it just makes me wonder, in what scenario would you want a 5 round conversion?
  18. Dimitri

    Gewehr 43s ever damaged by magazine?

    That makes sense. I couldn’t think of any ways it would damage the rifle but wanted to be sure. Thank you!
  19. Dimitri

    Gewehr 43s ever damaged by magazine?

    I was thinking about converting a mg 13 mag for my ac 44 gewehr 43, but wanted to make sure that using the converted mag wouldn’t hurt the rifle. Has there been any examples of gewehr 43s being damaged by magazines?
  20. Dimitri

    Gewehr 43 Safety Pluger

    Where can I find a Gewehr 43 safety plunger?