JRS is rimmed. I am surprised that someone rechambered this to JRS. Is he for certain it really was???I recently purchased an AC44 G43 from an auction who said that it is chambered in 8x57 JRS. I’ve heard that 8x57 JS is the same as 8mm Mauser and both could be interchanged for one another. Is this the same case for 8x57 JRS?
! NO !I recently purchased an AC44 G43 from an auction who said that it is chambered in 8x57 JRS. I’ve heard that 8x57 JS is the same as 8mm Mauser and both could be interchanged for one another. Is this the same case for 8x57 JRS?
possibly, but outside my experience. the only rimmed cartridge I shoot much is .22 rimfire, & sometimes .30-30 Win.Okay thank goodness. I was thinking that a rimmed gewehr 43 would be stupid but wasn’t fully sure. Wouldn’t you also need to rework the magazines in order to avoid rim lock?