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    For Your Viewing Pleasure: Mint G43 bcd "b" Block

    All very interesting comments. I was "iffy" on the stock yesterday but I didn't want to be the first to make a comment as I didn't have a 100% feeling on it and it's true, cleaned stocks that end up looking 'super blond' or 'super brunette' often do sell quicker and often for more money than...
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    Info on G43 and K43

    Great finds, neat rifle and a very interesting story. I always have to laugh and giggle to myself about the duffle cuts. Years ago I was doing a joint exercise down at an NTC center and ordered some K98 stock sets to bring back to Canada as the seller wouldn't ship direct. I quickly realized...
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    Rescue Project

    Tough to say from the pictures if it is a true blank receiver or has been 'buffed' post war. The serial numbers from initial examination look post war to me as well. I had a chance to buy this variation once in RC format, but I didn't realize what it was and missed out. If a legit example, it...
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    Rare coded k98's

    Some strong opinions indeed and not unwarranted. I agree in the USA there is no reason not to collect all matching rifles or at least bolt MM rifles etc. However, as pointed out in other countries sometimes a K98 is a K98 even if it’s an RC or even a DEWAT. I admit that the majority of members...
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    Extra LSR Stock

    Someone in the WTB section was looking for an LSR stock to restore an LSR. Hopefully they check here!!
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    When did fake k98's start appearing?

    I forget where on this site, but I have seen pictures of USGI's swapping parts on K98's at collection depots - simply enhancing the rifle they wanted to take home.
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    1937 Ch.D.A marked K98

    Curious which Canadian dealer was selling the first overpriced rifle. Sad but true, recent commercially sold RC’s are $1300+ CDN. I’m curious where Bell or North Sylva are still finding RC’s to sell to dealers.
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    Restore question

    People restore rifles all the time. Sometimes it may be as simple as making a rifle period correct. Perfect example is adding proper full length wood and bands to a sporterized rifle. It can get a lot more detailed such as maker correct parts and sometimes people are even lucky enough to find...
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    German captured soviet weapon pictures

    Very cool! The Soviets certainly would have lost quite a few arms. My SVT-38 for example is a Finn capture and I have several Finn Captured Mosins, one is even originally a WWI Austrian Capture sent to the Finn's for aid.
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    First year VZ24, German modified, bolt MM

    Thank you for sharing! Nice rifle and glad you got out to shoot it!!
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    Why to think twice about shooting old semi-automatics.

    Yes, I sold the M39 to a collector who then passed it on to another collector who decided to shoot it. Stock blew up on the first shot, even after the person I sold it to had upgraded the duffle cut repair. That is a real shame as literally maybe a dozen to two dozen examples are left of that...
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    Why to think twice about shooting old semi-automatics.

    Not my rifle but I did sell it to an acquaintance. Swedish AG42 B About 10 rounds into a range session and a magazine fed round did this to his rifle. Majority of parts destroyed (bent, etc.). Few things could have been done differently. On this rifle check firing pin protrusion. Use...
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    How Bad is This?

    Those markings do not indicate a VoPo rifle...interesting? How did you find and/or come across it? Warning the stock guy was backed up 6 months on G43 stocks and usually it takes about a week to hear back from him. He does do the best reproduction stocks.
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    How Bad is This?

    Almost missed it. Above the serial info on the left side there is a 'VoPo X' not to be confused with a Russian Captured X - but very similar. Just means it was likely refurbished and used post war in East Germany. I had to do a double take as there are few bring back G/K43's in Canada that...
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    Zrak M48/k98 mounty

    I think this should be posted in the WTB/WTS section of this forum. Do you have any of the SKS ON-2 Mounts? I have a base and ON-2 scope with 7.62 calibrated turrets but I need the upper mount. Thank you
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    Rifles looking for mount/scopes

    1942 CE SSR looking for upper mount/scope. This was an upgraded sniper that uses the Type 3 upper. Serial #6501 (Currently a repro upper and SS scope sits in it). 1942 AR ZF41 looking for upper mount/scope. Serial #6541f (could be a t) (Currently has a MM upper on it) 1943 AR ZF41 looking...
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    QVE 45 K43 a buddy picked up this weekend.

    It is tough...90%+ of my collection is un-fired by me. However, I have another friend and every rifle goes to the range within a week of purchase and if it doesn't meet the accuracy cut, the rifle is on the chopping block and sold/flipped. I never questioned firing old guns either but when I...
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    Modern ZF4 Options

    Despite coming from the same producer, it was a close facsimile and not an exact facsimile which turned me off right away. I also had difficulties zeroing the darn thing and decided that original was the way to go. Then again, the clarity of the optics were superior to originals. I know some...
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    QVE 45 K43 a buddy picked up this weekend.

    Super cool. Since it was likely or perhaps a sniper, I would just leave the marred barrel. Not the first time nor the last I have seen pipe wrench marks on G/K43 barrel. The VZ58 also uses a pressed barrel. I wonder if the thought was the rifle was only designed to last only as long as the...
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    Handguard Repair/butt plate replacement

    Excellent. I love it when a plan works. People are far too worried about fixing and working on these rifles (G/K43's). Probably because they are flimsy and pieces of shite...but I still like them. Recently sold one and the guy was all upset about the stamped crack on the action cover. Sent...