Modern ZF4 Options


Hello there, This is my first post here.

I am building a Swept back setup and wanted to ask about opinions regarding modern reproduction scopes. It seems there are 2 Real options readily available. The Meopta modern production Zf4, and the Accumount ZF4. Anyone have experience praise, or grievances with these two options?

I am building on a DOT44 i found in a sporter stock, barrel and bolt matching, but the rest was gone. had a 1.trz stock laying around and she shot fantastic.


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The only thing I can recommend is getting a Russian capture or postwar modified K98k to do this to. A matching barreled action is still a great piece of history that there is less and less of every day because of builds like this, and with the bolt is pretty valuable to boot. There are plenty of sniper clones out there to use as a starting point for your build.

I'm actually looking for a dot44 action. If you take pictures of the serial number and the parts that you say are matching, depending on the serial number I would be interested in it as I need a certain range. Otherwise, if you post the action to the Trader forum you could sell it there and use the money to fund your project.
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The Meopta has coated optics which is not original and the markings are just a bit different (which may have been on purpose) but otherwise, it's a perfect reproduction. I'm pretty sure they just broke out their original manufacturing equipment and started up production again so, in essence, you are getting a "real" ZF4. I've had one on my SMG FG42 for years now and it's been rock solid. Meopta optics are top notch and this is as well built as their standard scopes.
The Rifle is 4146 AS, but Frankly I am not interested in parting with it, I choose to scope this rifle as opposed to others in my possession for a few reasons. I have a fair number of Rifles in my collection and have bought and sold so many more. So far I have not found an RC that can shoot a 4'' moa at 200 meters with open sights, While I do have other rifles that can They are among the best of my collection and i would not dare to modify them. The only other rifle I had as a candidate for this is a BNZ 4 in a white glue stock with the original BNZ sight hood, though its bolt mismatches its a good shooter, however i would not want to cut the nice white glue stock. this DOT Barreled action was just that no bands, no trigger guard, or follower, no sight hood. But its barrel is crisp and clean action likewise.

Thank you for the information, I will get the Meopta from Numrich.
Despite coming from the same producer, it was a close facsimile and not an exact facsimile which turned me off right away. I also had difficulties zeroing the darn thing and decided that original was the way to go. Then again, the clarity of the optics were superior to originals. I know some people have had great luck with the Meopta optics and with the other reproduction ZF4's out there. I don't shoot hardly as much as I would like, so I'd rather have a historically correct example (original components) than a reproduction. If your planning on shooting a lot and if making a 'clone sniper' you may just want to work with modern components versus risking damage to an original set of optics or misrepresenting a piece.

Clones and restorations are always difficult. You want to be as close to an original as possible, but you don't want to be able to 'fake' or misrepresent it. Sometimes parts and pieces are unobtanium or just don't make financial sense. Your swept back ZF4 mount is a perfect example of where only a reproduction mount would make sense. Same went for my BD42 I (FG42 I) mount, only a reproduction mount made sense. But on a ZF41 for example using an original scope and mount may be a logical way to go on a clone/restoration - simply as there are lots of original mounts and optics out there.