Hi all, First time poster on this forum. Looking to buy my first K98 and i came accross this for sale online by a dealer in Canada. I dont have a picture of the full gun although i seen it on the original post and it seems to be in good condition. I asked for pictures of the markings and that is what im able to share with you. I madfe some research on the marking Ch.d.a and leaned this was most likely used to train hitlers youth or as a brown shirt weapon. I was hopeing someone here would be able to give me a little more insight if this is correct or not as well has help me figure out a faire market price as it seems to be a little more rare. Finally these are the pictures i asked for and received but if someone could guide me a bit on how to spot a fake and other things i should ask to see that would be really helpfull.
Thanks again
Thanks again