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    What is the current market price for VOPO (East German) rework QVE 45 K43?

    As an active G/K43 collector in Canada, I might be able to help. For years VOPO rifles would sell for $2500-3500 CDN Looks like an original scope $500-1000 CDN Original Mount or Repro? Original $1500 CDN Repro $300-500 CDN It looks like a nice VOPO, may even have the East German version of...
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    PTR44 bolt in original receiver

    Great Copy but really sad about their heat treating. I have one of their FG42 I clones and my extractor wore out within a box of ammo. Back then they were still SSD and sent me a new and "improved one". I fired two shots and checked the extractor which then already had significant wear. I...
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    Reproduction scope and rails?

    Yes. I forgot the exact problem but via email they were able to help. I ordered from them just in the fall of 2020.
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    PTR44 bolt in original receiver

    I have heard of people using original bolts in the SSD product but not the other way around. SSD made an excellent product as far as accuracy and looks - but their heat treating was horrible.
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    Reproduction scope and rails?

    I had the same issue. Some emails resolved my issue and I have always been happy with their products.
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    Reproduction scope and rails?

    Very best ZF4 mounts come out of Ukraine or Ebay and are often sold as "originals" to new collectors. These can be found on Ebay from time to time. Waffenmeister in the US has good quality Taiwanese produced SSR mounts. Top rail slid right onto my original bottom rail without fitting...
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    A very sad photo

    I like the picture - "(looks) like victory"
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    Most unique K43 VoPo joke!!!

    Interesting enough the gent that owns this hard wood VOPO just picked up another K43. This second rifle is not a capture rifle. K43, ac over 45 9257a Dual lug rifle All matching Sadly, he wants to keep the hard wood as a shooter. His rifle, so I can understand.
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    Reporting East German VOPO reworked K43 + stock questions

    Manufacture License, Dealer License with Prohib status, Museum License, Film License and proper Grandfathered Prohib License with acquisition. Or a mixture of the above. Problem is generally in most of all the above circumstances the business owns the firearm and not the individual and in only...
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    Collection of WWI Imperial MG's - Canadian Expeditionary Force Captures

    This is a very rare piece. M1895 Colt-Browning MG - Browning's first MG design and nicknamed the Potato Digger. This MG design was used by the Canadians in the Boer War and when the Great War broke out the Government of Canada ordered another 900x MG's. This is one of those MG's and is a...
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    Most unique K43 VoPo joke!!!

    Here are some pictures of hand guards. Top to Bottom: Original Wood Original Durofol Vopo synthetic Repro Durofol Certainly a cast and polished aluminum hand guard and the casting must have come from a Durofol or Vopo synthetic guard versus wood guard, as the internal profile is different on a...
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    Original Zf4 Scope Case

    I would be careful but I am interested in seeing what other members have to say. One issue is the poor lighting. Generally the accessories look pretty good, at least with the quality of photo provided. Areas of concern. Lots of the 'wear' on the can looks like someone took steel wool to...
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    Collection of WWI Imperial MG's - Canadian Expeditionary Force Captures

    MG08/15 Erfurt 1917 Serial #8525 Recorded in the CEF Capture book. Captrued by 58th Batt (Royal Regt of Canada - Central Ontario). Interesting bi-pod. The top portion (female end that locks onto the MG is correct) but has been welded onto another mount as obviously the legs were broken off...
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    ac panel cut

    My understanding was that they were the first style of receiver and are prominent in 1943 and early 1944 'a' and 'b' suffix blocks. They then disappear for awhile but they do show up in 1944 (especially starting in the 'p' block) and again throughout 1945 but these would likely be previously...
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    Collection of WWI Imperial MG's - Canadian Expeditionary Force Captures

    MG #4 MG08/15 Spandau 1917 Serial number 4866 "l" suffix? Listed in the CEF Capture book. Captured by the 1 CMR (Canadian Mounted Rifles) 29 Aug 1918 near Cabrai, France. From what my father had read by the last 100 days the British had pretty much stifled the German artillery and the Germans...
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    AR 43 ZF41 scope rail

    I finally got together with a friend and restored this rifle or at least got some of the hardest work done. I first purchased a spare rail to weld on - but the contour was completely incorrect as can be seen in the pictures. I eventually opted to replace the sight base with an un-numbered and...
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    Most unique K43 VoPo joke!!!

    Most unique K43 VoPo joke!!! (Authentic Wood Stock, etc.) This is not my rifle, but I have permission to share pictures and discuss and of course it is in Canada! Rifle is marked. Left receiver:Reichs Eagle, WaA 359, K 43 ac (over) 45 2220 'a' suffix. Two captured 'x's and two VoPo...
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    duv/bnz dual code rifle

    Certainly a scrubbed rifle. At least one if not two 'eagles' were scrubbed on the right receiver. One can still be seen. Interesting...I was thinking it might be an SS Contract rifle. I took it apart hoping to find more interesting markings under the stock line Nevertheless, this is one of...
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    Reporting East German VOPO reworked K43 + stock questions

    "I will take a hit to my ego and you should too. I will accept an apology from you for calling me communist and for your abhorrent behaviour. Likewise, I will apologies for calling you an idiot, among other colourful language, and what I've said about Alberta." Sauer_Kraut I apologize for...
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    Collection of WWI Imperial MG's - Canadian Expeditionary Force Captures

    MG #3 MG08/15 Spandau 1917 Serial number 2847 'a' Recorded in the CEF Capture book. Captured by the 5th CMR (Quebec) on 2 August 1918 near Dury, France. Not much left on this one, but it has some of the nicest capture markings (white paint) which gives us additional insight as this MG is...