Reproduction scope and rails?

Thank you sir.
I did check Meopta and, if their currently doing WW2 repros, it didn’t jump out at me.
I’ll take another peek specifically for the ZF4.

Duke, go to the beginning of this thread and look at the third post. It was YOU who found the Meopta ZF-4 repro on the Gun Parts Corp. site.

accumount type 3 ssr

I built my SSR with an Accumounts type 3- good quality! zf4 in the works now.



Very best ZF4 mounts come out of Ukraine or Ebay and are often sold as "originals" to new collectors. These can be found on Ebay from time to time.

Waffenmeister in the US has good quality Taiwanese produced SSR mounts. Top rail slid right onto my original bottom rail without fitting.

AASniper in France has very good European produced copies of almost every German mount but are the most expensive.
Been busy with real life and in a little update (if anyone cares) I have decided to go the HT/LT route with a ZF39 - all reproduction.

A “quality” repro ZF39 style scope is proving a little tricky if one wishes to avoid the Chinese company Red Star Mountain (aka RSM) brand that I have yet to find anyone saying anything good about. I have an email out to Accumount to see the origin of their ZF39’s (I am not clear from their site) and when they will be back in stock.

If anyone knows where to get non-Chinese ZF39 repros I am all ears.

About 5 years ago I rolled the dice on a RSM chinese made LSR mount with ZF39 scope. The mount was decent. But the scope was not. The more I fired it the more it lost its focus. I reached out to RSM and got no response for months. After I finally found a decent vintage (probably not WW2 vintage though) Hensoldt scope, they responded. But it was too late.

Sarco also had some ZF39 scopes that I saw on their table once at a show. They looked good but I couldnt find on the box where it was made. Some claimed the Sarco scope was made in Taiwan. But I dont know for sure.
Very best ZF4 mounts come out of Ukraine or Ebay and are often sold as "originals" to new collectors. These can be found on Ebay from time to time.

Waffenmeister in the US has good quality Taiwanese produced SSR mounts. Top rail slid right onto my original bottom rail without fitting.

AASniper in France has very good European produced copies of almost every German mount but are the most expensive.

People have had good luck with AASniper98 website before? I've tried twice to buy from them, but their website rejects fails on their payment system for me personally.
About 5 years ago I rolled the dice on a RSM chinese made LSR mount with ZF39 scope. The mount was decent. But the scope was not. The more I fired it the more it lost its focus. I reached out to RSM and got no response for months. After I finally found a decent vintage (probably not WW2 vintage though) Hensoldt scope, they responded. But it was too late.

Sarco also had some ZF39 scopes that I saw on their table once at a show. They looked good but I couldnt find on the box where it was made. Some claimed the Sarco scope was made in Taiwan. But I dont know for sure.

I think a lot of those repop telescopes were schlepped together in Belarus. They don't look all that bad on the outside, but it's like you said -- once the shooting starts, they turn to watery sh*t.

Which is why I recommended the Meopta to the OP. A ZF4 probably wouldn't be someone's first choice for a repro sniper, but at least the Meopta is an authentic looking reproduction sight that's properly manufactured and has a real warranty. All you've gotta do is put it in a decent mount.

People have had good luck with AASniper98 website before? I've tried twice to buy from them, but their website rejects fails on their payment system for me personally.

I had the same issue. Some emails resolved my issue and I have always been happy with their products.