Reproduction scope and rails?


Senior Member
Perhaps an odd request (and maybe the wrong place) but is there a legitimate source to buy WW2 reproduction scopes and rails for a K98?
Have a Yugo K98 clone sitting around gathering dust and figure I may as well do something fun with it as a winter project.

Do not desire to pay the actual worth for a real set of K98 optics (for a non-K98 gun) nor do I desire to pay high prices for fakes pretending to be real.

Is there a legitimate seller of repro scopes and rails at the appropriate retail price? Useable quality is a must as this is a shooting project. Not much point in doing it if quality is poor.
Yeah, there's an outfit making nice repro mounts, rails and bases. I forget their name, but I'm sure someone will post the link.

And I understand that Meopta (Opticotechna) recently made a very good quality ZF-4 reproduction.

For a project like this, a swept-back ZF-4 outfit might be really cool!

I'd be leery of any of the repro 'scopes and mounts from Numrich. There's another outfit selling mounts, and their name escapes me because I'm old. If no one pipes up, browse the archives. The company I'm thinking of was referenced several times on this forum in the last month or two.

EDIT: I didn't realize that you sent a link to the Meopta telescope. Yes, those are nice regardless of who you buy them from. I was thinking of the 98k and SMLE mounts and 'scopes that Numrich used to sell. Some of those were pretty bad.
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The zf4 will limit you on mounts. Seen a lot of guys use the accumounts split ring turret setup with a steel k4 weaver, if you want to come in on the 'budget minded' type of build.
Otherwise a ssr with a post war zeiss or hensoldt will get you in the ballpark.
Out of curiosity's sake, is your yugo rework from the preduzece44 shop, or?
The zf4 will limit you on mounts.

Yes, it certainly will. The only mount that'll give you the proper eye relief is the Accumount "All Steel K98 Swept Back Mount", shown on their site for $199.

But this mount and the Meopta ZF-4 would be a really cool way to go. The result would vaguely resemble a sniper rifle so rare that it's attained mythical status, and it would be a real show-stopper at the range. And the Meopta glass, coupled with the quality Accumount, would likely produce an accurate trouble-free shooter.
Thanks guys. Guess I thought (with some of the collector paranoia on here rubbing off) that the repro market would be something dark, tricky, and hard to find.
I have found Meopta and Accumont and there is actually quite of bit of info and products available when in stock.
And yes. My clone is from Preduzece44.
Not trying to takeover this thread, but is it generally cheaper to have your own built from a mismatch/shooter grade rifle or to purchase some shooter quality sniper already built? I've seen K98 snipers on gunbroker before that were cobbled up pieces that barely sold for 1500.
Not trying to takeover this thread, but is it generally cheaper to have your own built from a mismatch/shooter grade rifle or to purchase some shooter quality sniper already built?

Not necessarily "cheaper", but there's a better chance of obtaining a quality job if the work is done by someone who knows what they're doing. You wouldn't believe the number of bases I've removed from client's rifles over the years, only to find a second (and even third!) set of bitched-up holes underneath. Bubba takes aim with his drill motor and, if he doesn't get it right, he just moves the hole pattern 1/8-inch until he finally comes close to true position.
Been busy with real life and in a little update (if anyone cares) I have decided to go the HT/LT route with a ZF39 - all reproduction.

A “quality” repro ZF39 style scope is proving a little tricky if one wishes to avoid the Chinese company Red Star Mountain (aka RSM) brand that I have yet to find anyone saying anything good about. I have an email out to Accumount to see the origin of their ZF39’s (I am not clear from their site) and when they will be back in stock.

If anyone knows where to get non-Chinese ZF39 repros I am all ears.
Been busy with real life and in a little update (if anyone cares) I have decided to go the HT/LT route with a ZF39 - all reproduction.

A “quality” repro ZF39 style scope is proving a little tricky if one wishes to avoid the Chinese company Red Star Mountain (aka RSM) brand that I have yet to find anyone saying anything good about. I have an email out to Accumount to see the origin of their ZF39’s (I am not clear from their site) and when they will be back in stock.

If anyone knows where to get non-Chinese ZF39 repros I am all ears.

I've not heard of the Chicom repop 'scopes and mounts, but they come as no surprise. The Red Chinese copy EVERYTHING, and subsequently dial down the quality when the merchandise is destined for export to the U.S..

Part of the reason why I originally suggested the Meopta ZF-4 is because it's a reproduction of an authentic glass, made by a premium optics manufacturer. That's seldom seen in the reproduction arena. Meopta telescopic sights compare favorably with other top-end European 'scopes, and their quality is considerably better than anything made in the 40s.

Some of the other reproduction sights (particularly those for the No. 4 MK I T snipers) were of grossly inferior quality. Who knows where they were made, and there's no warranty service available. When they crap out, you're SOL. Putting a vintage ebay 'scope in a modern repro mount would be slightly better, but it wouldn't result in a rifle that you'd feel comfortable shooting every day.

Thank you sir.
I did check Meopta and, if their currently doing WW2 repros, it didn’t jump out at me.
I’ll take another peek specifically for the ZF4.
Thanks k98Dave,:happy0180:
I wonder if the Accumounts sweptback is dimensionally any where close to the original and if the base fits the rail with any precision.
Any of you have experience with one?

No experience on the swept back but I just finished up a clone suing Accumount's Type 3 SSR and its is nicely made. Others on forum may have some input on the swept back
No experience on the swept back but I just finished up a clone suing Accumount's Type 3 SSR and its is nicely made.

Details, pics...?

That's good to know, as I'm still keen on using a Type 3 SSR for my clone with my pre-war P.Kohler scope (or go the LT route)