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    Mauser Tankgewehr 1918 - Research

    More pics for details on 9058 and some other CEF captured weapons.
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    Mauser Tankgewehr 1918 - Research

    Canadian Expeditionary Force Capture - In my collection Left Barrel Serial 9058 1x Imperial Proof Left Receiver 1x Imperial Proof serial 9058 Left bipod coupling 1x Imperial Proof Left Barrel in front of rear sight - Serial 9058 Right bipod coupling - Serial 9058 Right Receiver 3x Imperial...
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    Mauser Tankgewehr 1918 - Research

    Canadian Expeditionary Force Captured T-Gewehr Repatriated to Austria Right Receiver 1x Imperial Proof Right Barrel 3x Imperial Proof Stamped bi-pod Top Receiver Mauser 1918 Top Barrel - maybe markings hidden by rust? Left Bipod coupling - serial 1033 Left barrel in front of rear sight - serial...
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    S27 1936

    Few other goodies that came with the same purchase. Top left pouch is early and dated 1935.
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    CE 1943

    Few more.
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    CE 1943

    Few more pics for details.
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    CE 1943

    This is the CE 1943 that I picked up with the S27. Nice to see them in original trim versus RC or Norge. Interesting damage to the front sight base and front band? From combat use? Or a hard drop? Had to laugh at the middle band being upside down.
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    S27 1936

    Few more pics for details.
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    S27 1936

    Certainly not minty but an early and fairly honest rifle for sure. More bluing than the pics show, but pretty worn and certainly well used. Original sling too which is a bonus. Found this and another all matching K98 on the weekend at a Gun Show - Quite rare to find any all matching K98 in...
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    bcd/ar 42 vs 43 scarcity and value

    Any dual code is pretty scarce or uncommon. Generally they were recycled or contracted receivers etc and as a result it is almost impossible to determine production numbers. From personal experience maybe 1/20 to 1/50 are dual codes that I have come across?? I would put them on the same level...
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    10 round mag StG44

    One advantage of a short mag would be a lower profile in the prone position. This has obvious and possibly life saving advantages.
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    Post war czech swp45 weird proofs

    There were Post-War produced MP44 Magazines marked 1001 vs using a three letter code.
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    Repro G43 stock?

    For a reproduction stock - it looks to be of fine quality.
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    original or reproduction mount?

    I am also leaning towards possibly an original base - bands and screws scream reproduction to me. Would need to handle it or see better pictures.
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    G41 stock finish, what should it be?

    I am sure many members will chime in to this thread - stock finishes are a matter of great debate on this forum and have been since its inception. Early and mid war stocks usually had a factory stain and then soldiers would oil their stocks. Ballistol (original recipe) is one of the most...
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    My first K43 (ac44)

    Classic example of a VoPo - could just be me but is there an additional post war eagle stamped on the left side of the receiver above the VoPo stamping? Interesting to see a VoPo still in Germany - many got exported. Many slight variations but everything on yours is correct. From what I...
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    original or reproduction mount?

    Man...reproductions are getting pretty good!
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    AAS Sniper g41 replacement parts

    I would agree, this dealer mostly sells Repro's or European produced Repro's which he lists as 'original' - they generally look the part and are way nicer that 95% + of the other reproduction parts out there. He does have a few WWII produced parts, but when I purchase from him, I get my mind...
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    A question: Original Mounts; Which is most desirable, a serialized (non-matching to rifle) mount or an unserialized mount?

    I would say unnumbered is more desirable, but I don't know if I would pay more for one?
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    AX 1940, Authentic Russian Capture?

    mfarb and other members are 100% correct!! My first k98 was an RC - bcd - I still have it in the collection. Other than a Chicom SKS-D, this was my first 'military rifle'. That one RC got me into the world of collecting. Soon afterwards I purchased an SVT40, Enfield No4 and M1 Garand. The...