AX 1940, Authentic Russian Capture?

Just wanted to comment on the thought that this forum is “harsh”. It can seem harsh whenever you get the bare naked truth about anything. Some people are more sensitive than others to reality, and to them the harshness is stinging. For someone truly open to learning the harshness is welcome- some who weren’t ready for that smack in the face reality recoil and fight - but I’ll say even some of those guys were eventually enlightened and participate here regularly and in good stead. Your accepting attitude speaks well to being a good collector of 98k’s, and your first one posted is a good example to own.

Many Russian Capture rifles were cleaned and restored to look more German, and rifles like this one will one day be sought after collectibles in their own right imo.
Thanks for the kind words! I hold high value in learning things that many people today are beginning to forget about. Like I said before, I don't mind any abrasiveness as long as there's only truth behind it. Even being brand new to this forum, it's obvious that everyone here cares about historical things in their own manner and wants to preserve them. That being said, I'm really thankful for all of the free information it provides and as I collect more it will make all the difference. I'm extremely relieved to hear that people seem to think I have a nice buy and all of these replies definitely encourage me to learn and participate more.

mfarb and other members are 100% correct!! My first k98 was an RC - bcd - I still have it in the collection. Other than a Chicom SKS-D, this was my first 'military rifle'. That one RC got me into the world of collecting. Soon afterwards I purchased an SVT40, Enfield No4 and M1 Garand. The disease caught me off guard and I now have over 50 K98's, 10x K/G43's, 80x Mosin Nagants, etc....

An all matching K98 is a great investment but an RC is not a poor investment and certainly a great way to get into the hobby. RC prices where I live are about triple what they were ~15 years ago. You simply cannot go wrong! Good Luck