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    DUV44 "f" block opinions

    Thanks Warrior!Thats only 5 times what I paid so maybe I can live with the stock.Cant figure why most of the g/k 43s and k98s had the stocks sanded/messed with, what were they thinking!?Anyway they must have at least taken this stock off because I see no evidence of sanding on the metal,its a...
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    DUV44 "f" block opinions

    Thanks!Yeah for the price how can you ever go wrong.What would this one be worth approx?All internal parts match and thats a plus.I like the DUV rifles they seem very well made.
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    DUV44 "f" block opinions

    Thanks!Nothing in buttstock compartment,stock is still rough looking at the proofs must have been done a long time ago and stock swelled a bit.My camera is not letting me get a clear pic,has rod but no hood.I hate to put a repo hood on it but dont want to dump a lot of money in it.Bore looks...
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    DUV44 "f" block opinions

    The metal is in amazing cond.,all matching g43.Bought this sight unseen from an add, paid 450.00 years ago.I asked the guy over the phone if the stock matched and he looked and said looks like it does.I took a chance as no returns,but how could you go wrong ,even a refinished sporter is worth...
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    CE41 "s" block

    Great looking rifles guys,thanks for the links and pics!
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    CE41 "s" block

    Thanks again guys!Yes KKW I would like to see more pics of the stock proofs on yours just to compair,did all CE k98s have this many stock proofs?This stock was never sanded it dosent look like.
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    CE41 "s" block

    Nice rifle KKW22cal!Can you post pics of the stock proofs on yours?8x57IS is correct this rifle has the k98 marking.
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    CE41 "s" block

    Thanks guys!I thought it was a jewel.Here are a couple more pics.There are 7 proofs on the stock and one on top of handguard.Stock and handguard are also matching numbered inside.
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    CE41 "s" block

    All matching numbers even the screws.
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    ZF4 Scope and Mount

    I am no expert but it looks original to me.
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    1940 luger great cond.

    Thanks guys!Bobby I thought it was a good buy,matching lugers in nice condition do seem to be pretty desirable and recognized,not too many people would not know what it is.Although have heard some people call a p38 a german luger!
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    Walther PP 359 proofed question

    Thanks I appreciate it!
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    Walther PP 359 proofed question

    What year was this one produced,was thinking 42?Has some mill marks but only the real early ones were high polish finish I think.
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    1940 luger great cond.

    Thanks guys,didnt think I could get hurt on it.Would you guys shoot a luger like this or not chance breaking something?
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    1940 luger great cond.

    That looks like a very nice one Biggd!Ned,I think it was under retail price for sure,Simpson LTD would be asking 2k I am sure.There arent that many collectors around here,not many guys would shell out a grand for a pistol,thats ok with me!
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    Luger DWM 30 cal very accurate vs 9mm

    Bobby ,yes you can find this ammo pretty resonable if you look around, its higher than 9mm sure but worth it,these are a real pleasure to shoot and not hot enough to worry too much about damage.Mine made in the 20s handles Winchester white box with out a hick up,have shot several hundred rounds...
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    CYQ early a block opinions

    Thanks!These are the 5 line type grips,guess they could have been changed but gun supposed to be a bringback,dont think the vet would have done it,maybe an example of the first use of these grips,or someone did it sometime between the vet and me.I could change them real easy with walther grips...
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    CYQ early a block opinions

    pics of cyq,its all matching with the dark brown cyq type grips.
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    CYQ early a block opinions

    Bought this one,not mint but close enough for the collection,look ok?Stuck on 650.00 for these p38s,finish is pretty rough machining but not bad for a cyq.nice e88 mag