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    CE41 "s" block

    Thanks!Yes have not seen one with this much finish left,must have stayed in germany,could have been a guard at a building ,sure didnt go to Russia.
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    Rem Rand 1911a1 correct?

    Thanks guys!Warrior,these are the only 2 ww2 45s I have.Would love to find a nice Ithaca and US&S at a resonable price. And of course Singer but highly doubt that will ever happen,think they only made about 500 of those!
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    Rem Rand 1911a1 correct?

    Thanks Mike!The P proofs look like the same size and font on all parts so look correct .I bought this in 1990,450.00 then is like 1000.00 now in terms of what it can buy.At least this pistol kept up with inflation of the dollar!What would be a good value today for insurance purposes?
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    Rem Rand 1911a1 correct?

    Here is another 1911a1,was wondering if the parts look correct for year of production.I bought this at a gunshow many years ago for 450.00 before they got sky high.The mags are marked 2 on toe with the R and one the L and correct from the great info I got on the other rigs mags.The keeper on the...
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    walther G41 AC no letter.

    Wow that is one sweet rifle!
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    1943 Colt 1911a1 rig vet buy opinions

    Thanks again!,the bore shows no corrosion,looks about new.
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    Late 2nd series H block Radom with wood grips

    That is a neat radom,love the grips!Sounds like you did good on the price,been looking for one of these late ones ..CONGRATS!:thumbsup:
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    1943 Colt 1911a1 rig vet buy opinions

    Dissasembled the pistol,the barrel has the right markings,holster is marked inside flap with ser. no. of gun and ammo pouch too.There are some tiny stamps on the frame.The vet stamped his name on top of holster,didnt know if I should post that here out of respect for the family.
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    1943 Colt 1911a1 rig vet buy opinions

    Thanks guys for the comments and great info I appreciate it!Will check the barrel markings and post those.I quess I need to find some minty correct mags,these are L and R marked.I think they are out ,will be on a quest to find some.I didnt pay near 3000.00,thought it a good deal.
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    1943 Colt 1911a1 rig vet buy opinions

    Thanks guys I appreciate it!Seems to be all correct to me ,the med pouch still has the contents.The slide is not numbered on this one.Has some wear here and there but not much.The son said his dad was a naval officer. Boy if it was my dads I wouldnt sell it but he didnt have any interest in...
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    1943 Colt 1911a1 rig vet buy opinions

    Bought this from the vets son,his dad was an officer.Great cond. has 3 mags,mag pouch, belt with lanyard,holster and medical pouch all dated 1943.Mags in pouch are marked with an L on toe,mag in gun is marked R.
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    Vet captured G43 ac44 question

    Thank you!That was a good deal then,I bet the repos are that much.
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    Vet captured G43 ac44 question

    Thanks guys! I too like the fact that it was actually used and didnt sit out the war in a rifle rack,or one that was taken from a crate and never saw action.Those are great to have too,dont get me wrong.When did they stop treading barrels for the muzzle nut?Anyway on mag pouches I bought 3 at a...
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    Vet captured G43 ac44 question

    Ok checked internal parts,tell me if this G43 is correct as issued,looks like it to me.I know it makes a big difference on the value.Amazing no parts had to be replaced with the heavy combat usethis one has seen,Seems Walther did make some of these right, that held up and didnt break.The german...
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    Vet captured G43 ac44 question

    Thanks!Will check on the name and post any info,I bought it from an auction,I may have posted it on another forum in the past,thats probably where you saw it.
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    Vet captured G43 ac44 question

    Thanks guys!.Its early enough manuf. to have been at the Bulge but that would be guessing,will research name and see if I can find out where he was.Man was a CPL so maybe thats why he was able to send it back without having to duffle cut it and sneak it.Have had it a long time and did test fire...
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    Vet captured G43 ac44 question

    Thanks for the opinions!,If the stock was sanded ,it would bother me,the name really dosent.
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    Vet captured G43 ac44 question

    This rifle was used as you can see in pics.All matching rifle ,the vet stamped his name in stock,dose not look like it was ever sanded,looks just like it was picked up off the battlefield.How much does the vets name hurt it?Only missing the cleaning rod,have the original sling I took off just to...
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    CZ-27 fnh Code with Personalized Holster

    That looks like a nice fnh cz27!Congrats!