Vet captured G43 ac44 question


Well-known member
This rifle was used as you can see in pics.All matching rifle ,the vet stamped his name in stock,dose not look like it was ever sanded,looks just like it was picked up off the battlefield.How much does the vets name hurt it?Only missing the cleaning rod,have the original sling I took off just to help preserve it.Looks like it has had a mount on the rail as it shows wear.


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Well this is one of those topics that is pretty much opinion based. So I'll give mine.

It certainly doesn't help the value. However, to me if the rifle is all matching with no other issues then it doesn't bother me too much. It does however depend on how it was done and how it looks. Sometimes it adds some neat character to a rifle. RyanE has a really cool K98k that has VE-Day painted on the stock very faintly (I still wish I had purchased the rifle).

If I had two identical rifles with the only difference being one has a name like this then I would pick the one without it. So it does hurt the value some but not much in my opinion (not like a sanded stock or mis-matched part). Hope this helps. Thanks for sharing.
Well this is one of those topics that is pretty much opinion based. So I'll give mine.

It certainly doesn't help the value. However, to me if the rifle is all matching with no other issues then it doesn't bother me too much. It does however depend on how it was done and how it looks. Sometimes it adds some neat character to a rifle. RyanE has a really cool K98k that has VE-Day painted on the stock very faintly (I still wish I had purchased the rifle).

If I had two identical rifles with the only difference being one has a name like this then I would pick the one without it. So it does hurt the value some but not much in my opinion (not like a sanded stock or mis-matched part). Hope this helps. Thanks for sharing.

I pretty much agree with Matt. The difference is typically small. One exception would be if the person was highly decorated, or famous and/or there were original papers with the rifle. Then the value would go up.

Looks like a nice honest rifle.

Did I miss a close up of scope on/off wear or can you post a pic.? I have one that had such obvious wear when I bought it from the Vets son, or so he said, in 1982 ish. I did not know the difference at the time but it was definitely there before I bought it. It also had a duffle cut repaired by drilling four holes in the pieces and tied together with a GI shoe string. I wish I would have left it exactly that way but it came apart when shooting so I felt obligated to fix it. Live and learn.
Can't argue with the opinions above. Some collectors will not like it and some will be okay with it. If you were going to sell the rifle and researched the vet, that could help with the sale some. The research probably wouldn't tie the rifle down to the vet, but it could be a neat thing to have with the rifle. Unless you had documents or something that actually tied the rifle to the vet, but that's a whole different set of circumstances.

I kind of liken it to holsters. I have seen some really super picky collectors have really nice pistol holsters with names wrote in or on them and carved in the leather. They are okay with that. It's strange, but happens. They tell me that it's just part of the history of the holster and are okay with it in their collection. Some won't have that in their collections.

So, yes, I think it will hurt value only to the extent that it will narrow your buyers down more and the buyers won't pay top dollar for this particular rifle. It looks good from the photos you provide; nice early rifle and good waffenampt stamps.
I agree with what's said. It will always lessen the amount of buyers. In my case, I would never import something with that extensive of a name on it, but if I found it in Canada, maybe Id bite.
My two pennies

Thanks for the opinions!,If the stock was sanded ,it would bother me,the name really dosent.

:thumbsup:WELL,,I know someone will want to slap this OLD DOG around,,But I did the same to a nice all matching--Mosin Nagant 91/30 sniper rifle that I brought back from VN,,I wrote in script my name and area,I got it from and the year in doing so,,Why because it is "my war story",And in time some of the capture papers that I had for some of my bring back gear were ether lost or misplaced???.The only thing that dose not match is the scope,As it is a Polish made scope(scopeski)-I think its a 59 or 58 dated scope,The rifle did not have a varnish or shellac finish on it,,Just plain oil finish of sorts..As far as it being a collector item??I know they made 1000s of them,,But this one is mine.I once was offered some serious dollar$ for it when I displayed it at a show,Because I had the paper work(DD-603)-Money I like,,But this has more of a feeling to me then the dollars,I will leave it to my sons..So as far as the above G/K-43 goes--It worth what a G/K-43s worth in the condition its in..It has history,Fought in more then one war and in more then one country--Its a"KEEPER"--Unless you want to sell it to me--Have a great New Years-Frenchy:happy0180:
Looks good. Doesn't bother me the soldiers unit, initials or name or the vets name. What bothers me are rifle with added kill marks, and couple years ago there was one, with vets commemorative plaque placed on the stock from Normandy. that's just too much. imo
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Thanks guys!.Its early enough manuf. to have been at the Bulge but that would be guessing,will research name and see if I can find out where he was.Man was a CPL so maybe thats why he was able to send it back without having to duffle cut it and sneak it.Have had it a long time and did test fire it back then,not knowing any better and it shot fine.
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Beautiful rifle!
Let us know if you find anything out on the name should you decide to research it!

If you don't mind me asking, where did you pick this up? I know I've seen it somewhere before...
Thanks!Will check on the name and post any info,I bought it from an auction,I may have posted it on another forum in the past,thats probably where you saw it.
Ok checked internal parts,tell me if this G43 is correct as issued,looks like it to me.I know it makes a big difference on the value.Amazing no parts had to be replaced with the heavy combat usethis one has seen,Seems Walther did make some of these right, that held up and didnt break.The german ww2 ammo was pretty hot from what I have heard.


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Looks good Atom those are the correct electro pen marked parts. Nice rifle by the way has that carried look too it and thats the way I like them. Now you just need a magazine pouch to go with it! Their addicting too so be warned.
Yes internals are correct and matching. I will also point out that your rifle is relatively early. I really like the muzzle nut on early rifles.

Are any of the internal parts marked with a circle V?
Thanks guys! I too like the fact that it was actually used and didnt sit out the war in a rifle rack,or one that was taken from a crate and never saw action.Those are great to have too,dont get me wrong.When did they stop treading barrels for the muzzle nut?Anyway on mag pouches I bought 3 at a gunshow several years ago for 25.00 each,seller didnt know if original or reproduction,they are probably repos,look too nice to be originals.Dont think they waffenamped these pouches ,one black one has it ,WaA159 I think hard to read.There is rust on the rivets but could have been aged to look old, they arent brand new from looks of leather. .What do you think?


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