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  1. sheepdog

    K98 1937 s237 refinished for 950. A good deal

    Shame indeed. Not worth $950 to me. I'd love to have the stock
  2. sheepdog

    Looking for bore pictures and advice

    They don't get anymore mirrorlike than the bore on this 1937 Sauer. Try some Sweets 7.62 bore cleaner. It has an awful smell so you know it's good stuff.
  3. sheepdog

    Turd Alert bcd 41

    He sells a lot of Swedish Mausers too. Always gets good money and positive feedback. Just reading the various forums has blackballed him no matter how legit the gun looks.
  4. sheepdog


    I disagree. Karbiner 98k mentions a linseed oil finish a few times as what was used on earlier K98k stocks. Is it identical to the BLO at the paint store we get now? No, but the finish they used was a linseed oil based finish and yes it did dry probably through the use of heat. As long as BLO is...
  5. sheepdog


    Well yeah, some late war stocks were unfinished. Know what your oiling before you oil it, but no, BLO won't hurt it.
  6. sheepdog


    Oil away. The stock has made it some 70 years or so, why would a little BLO hurt it.
  7. sheepdog

    German Mauser S/147 1937

    I own two 1937 Sauers, that's what thw S/147 shows. I think I'm going to cry but who knows I've seen worse. I guess I'd scope spmething else since it's been handed down from son to son. Do your serial numbers have a letter after them since both numbers are close to both of mine?
  8. sheepdog

    Merry Christmas 2013

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  9. sheepdog

    consecutive S/147 K rifle

    :thumbsup: :happy0180:
  10. sheepdog

    My K98k russian capture

    When I bought this RC the red shellac was flking off so bad it would get all over me just by picking it up. I found the laminate stock I redid to be a little easier than the walnut one. At least to keep it looking aged. I got $394 for it on Ebay, paid for the RC sitting in it. Put a walnut RC...
  11. sheepdog

    My K98k russian capture

    Yup the two RC stocks I redid were flaking so bad I had no choice but to redo them. Boiled Linseed Oil is close and used by some European countries on their rifles. There's been a debate as to what the Germans used on their K98ks but I'm sure the BLO you get at the paint store these days isn't...
  12. sheepdog

    My K98k russian capture

    Stripping down an RC stock is something you need to think about. First a lot of the guys say that since that is technically a Russian rifle, the Russian red shellac slop job is correct for it. It's a legitamite thought and one to consider. Yes it is shellac. Now if you still want to do it and...
  13. sheepdog

    Found this in Cabellas

    I wonder if Farb got the RC????
  14. sheepdog

    Found this in Cabellas

    The bringback is all matching except for the front band. Not hard to tell which one's the RC with that dot matrix billboard. The RC is an L block, the bringback an M block, fairly close numbers.
  15. sheepdog

    Found this in Cabellas

    It's not lacquer, it's shellac. You will find many opinions about stripping an RC stock, I feel it runs about 50-50. If you do strip the stock use a plastic putty knife first to peel off what you can since shellac gets very brittle with age. Denatured alcohol wiped on with a coarse cloth like an...
  16. sheepdog

    Found this in Cabellas

    Maybe it was stuck in some Russian warehouse for forty years. Don't go blowing a bunch of money on it.
  17. sheepdog

    consecutive S/147 K rifle

    Wonder what the odds of that are. Unbelievable.
  18. sheepdog

    8mm ammo

    To be honest I shoot far more 6.5X55 through my Swedes but nowhere did I say that the 1000 on strippers was all I had.
  19. sheepdog

    8mm ammo

    +1, M75 as well as most of the Yugo surplus is darn good. By the way I also have over 1000 rounds of Yugo surplus on strippers, won't find any commercial loads on free strippers will you? As far as berdan primers being reloadable I did say it was harder and primers tough to find didn't I. I do...
  20. sheepdog

    8mm ammo

    Berdan primed brass is reloadable, not near as easy and primers are tougher to find but with the right tools it can be done. I've saved a 2 gallon paint bucket 3/4 full of berdan primed brass. I just don't think the Prvi is as accurate as the Yugo surplus, could be me but IMHO my shooter hates...