Search results

  1. sheepdog

    Gifted to me: 1936 S/147 …what to do with it?

    From what I have read the walnut stocks held up better to father time than the white glue laminate ones. I've seen a few of those that have started to delaminate probably because they got wet in an area that wasn't sealed. The glue used in a white glue laminate was similar to today's Elmer's...
  2. sheepdog

    Gifted to me: 1936 S/147 …what to do with it?

    First time I've heard of a nearly 80 or so year old walnut stock being delicate. The walnut stocks on my two 37 Sauers are like iron. I have a couple of Swedish Mauser walnut stocks that are over 100 years old and you shoot them all day long. I would be much more cautious with an old white glue...
  3. sheepdog

    Swedens K98 Rifles

    I know who they belong to and he is quite a lucky fellow. Steven1 is a pretty well known Swedish Mauser collector. Hey Steve if you owned one of those would you shoot it? He watched me shoot a K98k from behind his car a couple of years ago. :behindsofa:
  4. sheepdog

    Another bnz turd.......

    I know just enough to know to stay away from that seller no matter how legit something he's selling is.
  5. sheepdog

    $15k Sauer

    You're my new hero for the moment. :hail: :happy0180:
  6. sheepdog

    $15k Sauer

    I wish I knew Rogerglib's e mail address, boy do I have a deal for him. :thumbsup:
  7. sheepdog

    $15k Sauer

    I'm afraid that seller has a big disappointment coming. If the top bidder comes through though, and is reading this I have a bringback 37 Sauer in a stunning tiger striped walnut stock, The rifle itself is not quite as nice as your new 39, it's duffle cut but matching except for the front band...
  8. sheepdog

    A New K98 Collector Joins The Fold

    My mother's sauerbraten was the best. Good job with your son. HHHHMMMNNNNN sauerbraten. :thumbsup:
  9. sheepdog

    M75 is back

    Just got the e mail, OK not the price from the good ole days but still the best surplus available that I know of.
  10. sheepdog

    Strange (to me) Mauser

    I would think more a circle DD Archie. :biggrin1:
  11. sheepdog

    Ok something is obviously not right here. Another turd lesson?

    The books are amazing, I can't imagine the work they took. Can't wait for Vol. 2. Can I place my order now?
  12. sheepdog

    What should i set in the metal parts whit?

    Synthetic motor oil, why pay more for anything else when this works great.
  13. sheepdog

    Ok something is obviously not right here. Another turd lesson?

    I'm pretty much a K98k novice yet my questions are always answered in a very courteous manner even by one of the authors of the books you seem to think we are shilling. Maybe my attitude and the respect I show for these very knowledgable individuals gets good results. Attitude and respect work...
  14. sheepdog

    Ok something is obviously not right here. Another turd lesson?

    I'm going through Karbiner 98k for the second time. For the amount of work done and the quality of the information these books are a bargain.
  15. sheepdog

    10" rod Info??

    How much for the rod?
  16. sheepdog

    kriegsmodell stock needed

    Brodydog's story is over at the other K98k forum at Gunboards along with pictures of his new find. A seller sold him a pretty nice late war dot and forgot to mention the very large crack at the neck of the stock.
  17. sheepdog

    New member introduction

    Welcome and thank you for your service. Like me sit back and enjoy this place, the knowledge here is impressive and everyone is willing to help the novice.