$15k Sauer

Yes, but I do know the seller and he confirmed that it indeed is real (he's even posted in this thread), he has the $ and a new benchmark has been set for standard issue 98k pricing.

By process of elimination it is clear who the seller is. Congratulations on your sale. :thumbsup:

Life is what it is. I just happened to have a gun that 2 affluent people, for their own reasons, wanted.



There are people willing to spend whatever it takes to get what they want, your excellent AD in GB found them.


Yes, but I do know the seller and he confirmed that it indeed is real (he's even posted in this thread), he has the $ and a new benchmark has been set for standard issue 98k pricing. My offer stands, anything I've got is for sale at $15k - Hambone's can be had for a paltry $14k but his rifles have all been nickel plated.

Not yet, but I'll nickel plate them for a mere $14,500.00 per rifle. Does this mean my 29/40 is now worth $75,000.00? This is the most asinine thing I've seen in about a year and I get to sort out some asinine things and people for a living. Two guys had consecutive serial numbers on either side of it and soldbuchs identifying the rifle to Heinrich Himmler? How much does an AKC registered baby sasquatch cost these days?

At this point, I'm going to block this thread from my ability to see it because it, and the sale, are ridiculous. If it's real, the bidders are ridiculous and I'm embarrassed to even be tangentially connected to such a goat roping taffy pulling asinine episode by posting about it.

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Not yet, but I'll nickel plate them for a mere $14,500.00 per rifle. Does this mean my 29/40 is now worth $75,000.00? This is the most asinine thing I've seen in about a year and I get to sort out some asinine things and people for a living. Two guys had consecutive serial numbers on either side of it and soldbuchs identifying the rifle to Heinrich Himmler? How much does an AKC registered baby sasquatch cost these days?

At this point, I'm going to block this thread from my ability to see it because it, and the sale, are ridiculous. If it's real, the bidders are ridiculous and I'm embarrassed to even be tangentially connected to such a goat roping taffy pulling asinine episode by posting about it.


Whatever ....
It is your choice.
No point having an attitude about it.
It simply happened. It is interesting. It will probably never happen again.

And I had nothing to do with it, except for posting a very honest auction
on Gunbroker, for a really nice, but not spectacular gun.

I was as astonished as anybody, but the buyer is a nice guy, who just
happens to have a lot of money. To him, it was like buying a few
boxes of ammo, or a case of beer. It was his choice.

Nobody gets on your case for paying whatever you wanted for something, and this
guy was entitled to pay whatever he wanted, and could easily afford.

And, as astonished as I was, I was sure not going to turn down his offer.

Have a nice day ...
Whatever ....
It is your choice.
No point having an attitude about it.
It simply happened. It is interesting. It will probably never happen again.

And I had nothing to do with it, except for posting a very honest auction
on Gunbroker, for a really nice, but not spectacular gun.

I was as astonished as anybody, but the buyer is a nice guy, who just
happens to have a lot of money. To him, it was like buying a few
boxes of ammo, or a case of beer. It was his choice.

Nobody gets on your case for paying whatever you wanted for something, and this
guy was entitled to pay whatever he wanted, and could easily afford.

And, as astonished as I was, I was sure not going to turn down his offer.

Have a nice day ...

Quit whining and being defensive dude, particularly as you apparently hit the lotto. Nothing worse than whining from a lotto winner. I don't have an "attitude" about it, I'm shocked. The guys in the K98k collecting community I believe share my sentiments. Thus, if being "shocked" is an attitude, then I guess I have one. That someone would pay $15,000 for a $2,500 (max) 147/1939 is their business I guess, and your bounty; congrats. If the guy posted up in the WTB forum here "I have $5000 burning a hole in my pocket for a nice matching 147 / 1939" he would have been knocked over by guys here trying to sell him nicer ones. Mine is much nicer than that one and I would have knocked him down trying to get it to him for $5,000.

So, revel in your good fortune and enjoy the ride; don't whine, insult, or become defensive over the general (merited) astonishment of you hitting one out of the stadium, out of the parking lot, over the highway, and into an adjacent state. Heck, metaphorically speaking, you yanked this one sufficiently to propel it through the stratosphere and into outer space where it will remain in perpetual orbit around Planet K98k until K98ks start regularly selling for this in the year 2150. Don't get irritated that this is discussed because it is worthy of discussion and was a public sale. Congratulations!
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Quit whining and being defensive dude, particularly as you apparently hit the lotto. Nothing worse than whining from a lotto winner. I don't have an "attitude" about it, I'm shocked. The guys in the K98k collecting community I believe share my sentiments. Thus, if being "shocked" is an attitude, then I guess I have one. That someone would pay $15,000 for a $2,500 (max) 147/1939 is their business I guess, and your bounty; congrats. If the guy posted up in the WTB forum here "I have $5000 burning a hole in my pocket for a nice matching 147 / 1939" he would have been knocked over by guys here trying to sell him nicer ones. Mine is much nicer than that one and I would have knocked him down trying to get it to him for $5,000.

So, revel in your good fortune and enjoy the ride; don't whine, insult, or become defensive over the general (merited) astonishment of you hitting one out of the stadium, out of the parking lot, over the highway, and into an adjacent state. Heck, metaphorically speaking, you yanked this one sufficiently to propel it through the stratosphere and into outer space where it will remain in perpetual orbit around Planet K98k until K98ks start regularly selling for this in the year 2150. Don't get irritated that this is discussed because it is worthy of discussion and was a public sale. Congratulations!

Thanks, Bro.
I offered it to a former buyer for $3500 right before I put it up on Gunbroker, but he was short of cash and declined.
Funny how these things work out.
Thanks, Bro.
I offered it to a former buyer for $3500 right before I put it up on Gunbroker, but he was short of cash and declined.
Funny how these things work out.

Don't mistake all of this for an indictment of you. It isn't. I spoke with Mike about it today (he confirmed it was a real sale as I couldn't believe it). We are happy for you. Most of the guys here are. However, the initial skepticism and astonishment is well justified. You must be living right or someone up there is rewarding you for a good deed Frank, because this is the most unusual auction event I think I've seen. Again, good on you mate. :happy0180:
Frank, I think you need to buy a round of beers for the board.:happy0180:

Congrats on that sale. We all would love to be the seller of that one
Don't mistake all of this for an indictment of you. It isn't. I spoke with Mike about it today (he confirmed it was a real sale as I couldn't believe it). We are happy for you. Most of the guys here are. However, the initial skepticism and astonishment is well justified. You must be living right or someone up there is rewarding you for a good deed Frank, because this is the most unusual auction event I think I've seen. Again, good on you mate. :happy0180:

Thanks for that.
Frank, did you check the bolt SN with sie Experten "TWICE"!!!??:facepalm:

You know what happens when you only check once.:faint:

Good for you:thumbsup:

What is funny is I also knew the guy that sold a K98k for more than this although his was an extremely rare Styer svjXE code (It sold for $20,025.00)

He had bought it for like $200.00 and listed it for $250.00 plus $20.00 shipping.
A guy offered to pay his $250.00 at the auction start if he shipped it free.
He declined but said if the guy paid the shipping he would end the auction at the $250.00+ shipping.
The guy said no. (If you listen carefully you can still hear him whimpering in the distance)
Well, the rare (I have never heard of another svjXE code since, supposedly 6 are known to exist in the world) sold for 20 grand and the seller emailed me saying he had no idea how he was going to ship it after that bid.
I jokingly suggested he buy a first class plane ticket and hand deliver it (unless the buyer had a C&R i don't think he could have legally done that though)

When I find a rare super deal it turns out to have a humped bolt but then you would already know that :laugh:

The best deal I ever did on a Mauser was a friend offered me a VZ16-33 for $200.00 with bring back papers. I wanted to know its value, suggested to be $500.00 or so by another friend, so I put it on GB with a $900.00 reserve and it sold for $2325.00.
Until today i thought that was a smoking bit of good luck. Now I know better :biggrin1:

I picked up a 76 Plymouth Volare' station wagon with a slant 6 engine in it. That's lucky.