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  1. V

    Need help ce44 with unusual serial number and C stock

    Hello, rifle is actually a p (P) block. Later Vaughn
  2. V

    BYF 44 High Turret- Turd Alert for misrepresentation

    Hello, of to hind what looks like a duffle cut repair behind the sling?? I have seen stock cut in this odd area or it just some damage the stock has but is now filled in with something?? Later Vaughn
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    HT Zielsechs

    Hello, my only proof that Zeiss Zielsechs LT exits, and its not pretty : ( later Vaughn
  4. V

    If you bought this LSR send it back.

    Hello, My way of looking at it, there is a person out there with 13k of money who has NO CLUE what they are buying!!! WTF!!!! later Vaughn
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    "Danzig mount" for sniper scope by Gewehrfabrik Danzig

    Hello, I put these in to areas as Commercial, and military. The Commercial is fancy with a machined step/boss for the front ring and mount to lock in and a has 4 digit serials. The military it cleaner simplified like the one Absoult posted and to make it easier to know as the 4 digit serial...
  6. V

    Repro Sniper receiver Code ID

    Hello, The 18BB started out as a recycled Mauser Banner receiver for the BYF41 run of rifles. your other is a BCD 43 rifle. later Vaughn
  7. V

    British Captured g98 WWI Sniper

    Hello, can't barrel line a hi-pressure center fire rifle. mainly 22s and lever actions. on the other hand YOU COULD have new rifling cut to some round the smooth bore dim's was cut to AND would swallow a 8mm cart chamber, I have to say that list will be small and now have to worry will the...
  8. V

    Is there a way to find the date of manufacture of a specific AC44 Gewehr 43?

    Hello, Pull your buttplate my stock was dated under it. unless mine was an oddity??? it is a BLM. I only discovered it as one of my buttplate screws was stripped and made the repair. later Vaughn
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    98k zf41 flat roller

    Hello, Strum I will dig for the pics and post them 1 is an AR41 (like Sauer posted) the other is a Depo (guessing since the ZF41 was not made in 1935) ZF41 S147K Stock I found but has a completely different cut. Thanks Vaughn
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    98k zf41 flat roller

    Hello, If you ever take the action out of the stock can you take a pic of the barrel channel area where the ZF41 cut out is?? the reason I ask on the later Type 2 ZF41 the stock cut outs seem to be just the barrel channel wall cut out to clear. I have only seen 2 ZF41 Flat roller stocks and I...
  11. V

    Zielsechs scope

    Hello, Commercial scope, add repro 1-8 dial and add triangle, scope serial in roughly 1933/34. looks like the commonly added items found by the Italian seller. Later Vaughn
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    K98k Objective Mount Sniper Rifle (My repro)

    Hello, Have you zeroed the scope?? the scope base heights were not mounted correctly as the front object is not parallel with the bore and its tilted in an upwards angle. I doubt you will get it to zero at 100yrds elevation wise. I give you credit trying to take this project on your self and...
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    BNZ 1943 weird floor plate and trigger guard

    Hello, The Triggergaurd looks to be the Czech post war run of TGF rifles has this odd triggerguard, different from the traditional Czech post war winter guards. Any other pics of the barrel?? might be one of those E.German reworks but its hard to see the other markings besides the serial. Above...
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    Romanian Vz.24 Sniper - Bracket Type mount

    Hello, The reason I ask, most rifles I see the bolts are mismatched, or just a k98 bolt thrown in or straight bolt handle bolts, except the very few super nice one like yours. Mine is not so nice but the bolt is a bent VZ-24 bolt and serialed to the gun and have been looking for years to see if...
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    Objective Mount Sniper Rifle .

    Hello, This is why Robert in Austria when he made the repro Georz Semi Turret Sniper bases he made original height for restoring snipers and he also made a second version where the bases were taller so you didn't have to machine out the clearance in the back/rear receiver for folks who didn't...
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    Romanian Vz.24 Sniper - Bracket Type mount

    Hello, Another nice example how is the bolt serialed on this example? Thanks Vaughn
  17. V

    How dishonest is the K98 market and the risk to the average Joe collector

    Hello, I wouldn't just single out the k98, ANY MARKET where ppl want to make money has problems. As with anything you collect study study study!!!!!!! served me well so far. later vaughn
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    Zeiss commercial scope - when was it mfg?

    Hello, 1938-39 should have a rail on the bottom as this is the featherlight model, if no rail then it has been removed post factory production. later vaughn
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    Otto Bock WWI Sniper Scope

    Hello, Very nice piece, I have found several examples where Otto Bock scopes also have Ajack marking present, Ajack might of been Otto's subcontractor. Just a thought since the very early Ajack 3x scope are IDENTICAL to the Otto scopes AND the stamp manufacturing markings are the same to the...
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    G98/40 Barrel Band Source

    Hello, Only bad part is it looks like AAS Sniper is now making repros and doubt that the bands is original. I am surprised that it has taken them this long to have them made as there is quite the demand for band sets and bayonet lugs for these rifles. later Vaughn99

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