Also being new to K98s and having been exactly where you are now a short time ago, would offer the following:
K98s are a very different business from the other guns that have drawn my interest over time. My start was in ARs and modern firearms. There is a challenge here, but one that is relatively easily overcome, identify the most reliable makers (definitely some argument here), but Daniel Defense, BCM, LMT, Larue etc, are at the top of the game. Lesser manufacturers are easily identified.
Next is the ability to build your own gun, which is also not hard. In doing so you have entered the realm of the frankengun and understand how to spot someone else’s handiwork. AKs and SKSs are not that especially challenging either in my mind. I appreciate these guns and there effectiveness, but sought something more.
What motivated my interest in historical arms was an appreciation and interest in history that aligned itself well with my appreciation for firearms. Those which were present for pivotal events in history especially drew my attention. Exploring all of the options showed firearms which were produced in bulk but lacked fine craftsmanship. The K98 (especially early war) seemed to run contrary to this otherwise dreary world of mass production.
What followed was gaining knowledge of the rifles, this forum was key to that venture. Having just wanted a firearm to shoot at first, it metamorphized into an interest in the elements that characterized these weapons and worthy of attention. Out of the that, the desire to be challenged.
Even then there is a great battle between expedient acquisition and considered collecting that must be fought. Will must be tempered with knowledge and this is where careful consideration, collaboration and study need to occur. Struggles through doubt, significant amounts of money needed to acquire a good example and people that seek to trick you will beset your path.
You can avoid these challenges by purchasing from a reputable person on this site and know that you have your example and be done. Should you choose to move further down the path of exploration you will probably find these things to be true:
1. You will recognize Russian Captures
2. You will recognize Mitchells Mausers (both of these are like empty Twinkies, they have the shape, but no filling) bastardizations of what once was
3. You will recognize a bolt mismatch
4. You will recognize parts mismatches
5. You will be challenged to recognize humped rifles
a. Wood that has been assaulted (sanding, cleaning)
b. Fake numbers (stamps are available and SOBs on GB and other sites use them daily)
6. You will start to see what a correct rifle should be by exception
Out of the 100’s of K98s on sites and for sale only a handful at a time are correct. Of those many will ask far more than they are worth and a few will not know what they have.
Recognition can be best aided by buying the Karabiner 98 volumes, focusing hard on the commentary on this site and finding mentors. Collaboration is essential and the folks who comprise this site are the most honest and knowledgable on the planet. The friendships made here make the challenges and pitfalls less likely and at the end of the day are worth more to me than the rifles or the history. It is a long path, there are no shortcuts, but it is worth the journey. At the end of the day, when you have a correct example or hopefully examples, you are a steward of history, and that is worth everything. You can be let down in this game, but time effort and dedication will save you from the majority of the most frequently made mistakes.
No matter what you decide, welcome!!