Third Party Press

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  1. V

    Zeiss Zieldovier

    Hello. If you ever have time and can share pics of Zieldovier #3630 (I have observation 3629), Zieldosechs #3701 I would like to see them and the IR Zielvier, I do have the others you listed. My 2 Zieldovier I paid quite a bit less for so it sounds like i did good, my Hungary does have allot of...
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    Zeiss Zieldovier

    Hello, Your scope the Zieldovier was made in 1922/23 and is 1 of 17 made that year. Zeiss made a few stranglers for the info I have till 1930 (being I only have till 1930 I don't know if they made anymore 1 offs here and there later) and a total of only 70 were made 1921-1930. 1921/22 was the...
  3. V

    Help with Hensold Scope

    Yes, my database currently with 967 observations. of pre 1940 Commercial Scopes.
  4. V

    Help with Hensold Scope

    Hello, About 1912/13 its Pre WWI Later Vaughn
  5. V

    Looking for owner of K98 BYF43 K19848

    Hello, Here are the pics of the rifle that was posted
  6. V

    Looking for owner of K98 BYF43 K19848

    Hello, Looking for owner of this rifle. I can't find the thread the rifle was posted in. I ran across an item for your rifle. A customer sent a pile of parts (scope, mount set, and a rifle) for a build I finished for them. how crazy.
  7. V

    Mauser K98k High Turret with Matching Numbers Mount

    Hello, Absolut any updates on your findings? I have HT H4x60 for CE/MO from 40,700- 43,600 (about 3K, 600 are LSR models) . CAD starting at 43,800-47,900 (about 3K scopes again with about 1K LSR). The H4x60 6 digit serials though 6 digit seem to fall at the moment in the missing chunk of...
  8. V

    BCD 42 Receiver XXI 7557 Depot Build

    Hello, Been a while since i read the books for the runs of rifles that are other or Depo from salvaged parts on the Circle A proofed rifles and the run of Sleepy Proof rifles I call them not sure if a proper names was given. Later Vaughn
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    BCD 42 Receiver XXI 7557 Depot Build

    Hello, only 2 observations I have.
  10. V

    BCD 42 Receiver XXI 7557 Depot Build

    Hello, You over looked & need to add a red X to Depo X :) Later Vaughn
  11. V

    Israeli K98/m/40

    Hello, Lastly all M40's were converted to 8x63 Swedish Later Vaughn
  12. V

    Gewehrfabrik Danzig Sporting Rifle ! Value

    The Kar98a rings and mounts are different than these Mod 2 rings and bases they look identical but the dimensions were scaled down to fit the smaller scope tube and smaller 22LR receiver size and are not interchangeable, unless I miss read your comment.
  13. V

    Gew98 Deathhead with Reichswehr mounts

    Hello, I say WWI wartime recycled receiver that has been scrubbed of markings. I only say this as the Crown RC marking are from my experience only found on Erfurt production rifles/pistols. love to hear others on this. Later Vaughn
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    Building a fake sniper Kar98 K

    I hope that Kahles is the 1960's version other wise keep your wallet open for a ton of parts break if its the late 1940-1957 version pure junk. Laer Vaughn
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    highest serial ce44 coded receiver

    Hello, Highest CE44 I have is W8639 RC
  16. V

    K98k duv42 WaA749

    Hello, Been a hot minute all, the rifle posted by Absolut was produced by BCD in 1942, BCD also had a run of DUV42 receivers in 1943. The easiest way to tell the difference is where the letter block is placed, for 1942 production has the letter block UNDER the serial, the 1943 production has it...
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    1917 M/O Gewehr 98 “N” Block Sniper Rifle

    Long time no post, what do these rifles value at in today's market in this condition and being the most seen of all snipers from WWI?
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    Byf44 ZF41 with odd eagle

    Hello, I have examples in the database all the way till k (K) block with ZF-41 E135 Proof, disappears in the l (L) block. Later Vaughn
  19. V

    informations on 3 pieces Dialytan bmj scope with ocular and objective in aluminium.

    Hello, Unless very altered the tip ratio needed to get the scope on and off for a SC, this scope won't work. Later Vaughn

Military Rifle Journal