Third Party Press

Gew98 Deathhead with Reichswehr mounts

If updating the sling / band arrangement wasn’t deemed critical, then yes, it wouldn’t have a need to go to Dachau for upgrade.
If updating the sling / band arrangement wasn’t deemed critical, then yes, it wouldn’t have a need to go to Dachau for upgrade.

My opinion is the rifles were sent to Dachau to refurbish them for reissue to training units. Since the Waffen SS units were to be issued 98k, it was decided to convert them to the 98k configuration to assist with that training mission. Otherwise it made no sense to do so much work - in this case maybe a scoped rifle was useful still in its issued role, and escaped being sent to refurb (or it was in good condition with a tight scope/mount set).
The crown over RC is a WW1 marking and it's not for rejected/repaired parts but , if I well remember , it just means that that part passed an extra check from the head of the inspection office.
Can anyone tell whether the receiver of this rifle is a WWI receiver or post WWI? I'm specifically asking due to the recent thread on these Reichswehr mounts: ; in this threads context once more relevant is this post here:

The "WWI Danzig mount" seems to be different from what we call "Reichswehr mount". It has a flat bottom front scope ring and therefore also the raised front lip on the front base, whereas the Reichswehr type has this lowered front lip on the ring, and also that semi circular cut to the front base. Also it seems (judging from the inter war Danzig sporter rifles!) the front base of the Danzig mount used four screws whereas the Reichswehr type only had two screws.

The period original picture that was posted in this thread clearly shows the front base only has one screw on each side, therefore would make it a Reichswehr Mount (so not recyled/updated WWI sniper rifle). This is the same configuration as this rifle is in.

I'm mentioning this since this would then to me make it unlikely the receiver is a reused WWI sniper receiver, so then either set up as sniper rifle by the Reichswehr in the interwar period, or even by the SS themselves once they got ahold of bases (and a scope).

I say WWI wartime recycled receiver that has been scrubbed of markings. I only say this as the Crown RC marking are from my experience only found on Erfurt production rifles/pistols. love to hear others on this.


Military Rifle Journal