Third Party Press

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  1. Aaron

    WW2 German Rucksack and Assault Pack Reference Thread

    Rucksack and Tornister Types used: M1895 Tornister: The catch-all name I will use for all the WW1 and interwar tornisters. These are defined by their exterior mounting points for the messkit and wooden interior frame. These come in a varitey of constructions, and were used by various...
  2. Aaron

    HELP VG1 owners assistance needed

    Not much help this second but you can buy the manual from here:
  3. Aaron

    WW2 German Canteen Reference Thread

    Opened the website to see 31 notifications haha, glad you like them.
  4. Aaron

    WW2 German Mess Kit (Messkit) Reference Thread

    Thanks! But I think you already did pic sticky it :giggle:
  5. Aaron

    1945 Ammo Pouches RBNr. 1/0750/0112 Matching Set

    Saved from a reenactor blanket sale. A nice pair of single layer backed pouches made by an unknown maker in Stuttgart. Both have mixed stitch and rivet construction (done differently), with one having brown leather ring tab and the other black. One pouch has riveted sides while the other is...
  6. Aaron

    WW2 German Canteen Reference Thread

    Maker marked WAL for Westfalische Aluminium Industrie, Junger & Co., Lüdenscheid, dated 1938, aluminum bottle, cap, and cover in very good condition, slightly dry but intact leather shoulder strap and harness, front strap has partial tear, aluminum cup retains 85% of paint.
  7. Aaron

    WW2 German Canteen Reference Thread

    Aluminum flask wrapped in wood paste and wood slivers or veneer and resin in excellent condition, webbing strap is in excellent condition with Type 2 roller buckle and Patent Ritter marked steel hook, flask is marked DRGM (Deutsches Reichsgebrauchsmuster) meaning its design and use was...
  8. Aaron

    Mauser BYF 45 a Block K98 Matching

    First time seeing a gqm44 buttplate drilled for KM specs, nice early front band too with band spring hole still present.
  9. Aaron

    How to revive original K98 sling? Tips?

    Yes as straightforward and seemingly impolite my statement was, my rationale was this: 1. 99.99% of collectors do not have the facilities, materials, knowledge, or patience required to restore leather goods properly. 2. 99.99% of collectors will default to using the substances explicitly listed...
  10. Aaron

    How to revive original K98 sling? Tips?

    Not to mention, those storing their sling on the rifle nice and tight like seen in barracks photos will cause a massive fold and eventual tear right where the sling passes through the rear barrel band, almost every failure I see on slings is encountered there.
  11. Aaron


    Conditioners come into play with me for reenacting when I want to intentionally darken or age some reenacting goods like straps, or if I am repairing original items with reproduction leathers. With collectibles I simply store and annually "sun" any items that have spew blooms. For boots, a...
  12. Aaron

    How to revive original K98 sling? Tips?

    Yes we are making repro slings, excellent quality but some members did not like the idea of high quality repro slings using original hardware. I found it ironic considering the same people will post restored rifles using armorers parts or other components that can be mistaken by future...
  13. Aaron


    Ironically the fatty spew is likely caused by previous treatment in an attempt to restore the holster. I have a mint Gerbirgsjager rucksack that HAD mint leather that is now falling apart due to liberal application of grease. In an attempt to preserve the item the previous owner effectively...
  14. Aaron

    How to revive original K98 sling? Tips?

    Simple online research from reputable museums will specifically state the methods most people use to attempt to restore Simple online research from reputable museums will actually specifically state the opposite. The methods used by people will actually hasten the deterioration of leather...
  15. Aaron

    How to revive original K98 sling? Tips?

    "Conditioning to preserve" is as much of an oxymoron as "jumbo shrimp". The best thing you can do for the longevity of leather is nothing. If people want nicer slings they need to go and buy them, there is no magical way to clean up antique leather and make it look newer.
  16. Aaron

    Trying to Authenticate this BCD Sniper

    I'm sure there are reenactors out there who would be thrilled to have a phosphate sniper clone, will probably pay more than any collector.
  17. Aaron

    Steyr Sighthood Verification

    There is minimum flex under pressure. Definitely not repro as they do not look anywhere near this good, but possibly not ww2.
  18. Aaron

    Steyr Sighthood Verification

    Was wondering your thoughts on the authenticity of this sighthood, looks a tad thinner than some of the others, but has that distinct round body Steyr hoods seems to have.
  19. Aaron

    bcd 45 86980 matching action and metal

    I also wonder how many K98ks could have been made if one could go back in time and drop the Kriegsmodell construction and finishing standards into Speer's (I suppose Todt would be the man at the time) hands in say, 1939.

Military Rifle Journal