Third Party Press

HELP VG1 owners assistance needed


Senior Member
Flynaked is at the tail end of making a stock
For my VG1 barreled action. He is having difficulties with how the rifle is assembled in the stock. Particularly how the spring, washers stack up on the rear trigger guard screw. If anyone is willing to remove their rifle from the stock and assist? Thanks in advance! Pictures can be posted here or pm me for my cell or email.
Or, does anyone have a copy of the manual? There’s an exploded view in there, but it’s too fuzzy in small pictures.
Thanks everyone! That helps a lot Mike. There is a stamped spacer that slides in the trigger fork, it has a large hole on one side, and a small hole on the other. Depending on the exact stack up, it has a lot of effect on trigger pull and sear engagement.
Bump! So close to finishing this project. Looking for under the hood pics of a vg1 or instructions on assembly. I believe we may be missing pieces or have the order incorrectly stacked. Thank you!!!

Military Rifle Journal