Sniper pictures

Took me until now when re-checking this thread that this is a Zielvier on a LSR mount (note no recoil ring either).

Reenactment or period replacement?
Took me until now when re-checking this thread that this is a Zielvier on a LSR mount (note no recoil ring either).

Reenactment or period replacement?
I think it's reenactment. Very common set up for repro snipers. And looks like a cheap Instagram filter.
I think cupped, just super tough to make out. Note all milled front barrel band.
I think you may be right. When I first looked at the photo on my phone there looked to be a thin lip coming down beyond where the stock ended making it seem like a flat BP.

Along with that a speed milled barrel band does not necessarily denote a cupped BP stock, especially on SS stuff.
His collar tab photoshopped out also.
as is his cap insignia, didn’t notice til you pointed out the collar tab. understanding that there are laws about showing such things in particular countries, but leaving the the sleeve eagle & Das Reich cuff title still says ‘ess ess’.
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Along with that a speed milled barrel band does not necessarily denote a cupped BP stock, especially on SS stuff.
I know. But I yet have to see a Gew98 to K98k conversion with scope that has a milled barrel band, and atop of that a Type III SSR mount with wingnut.

BTW, on the contrary - the two rifles left of him both appear to have H barrel bands. And if I was to guess, no front sight covers. So either very early rifles, or Gew98 to K98k conversions.
Cool picture. SS guy and yes it looks like a dkl scope.
From an eBay auction. Appears to be Type III SSR - seems to have a wingnut. A dkl+ scope?

View attachment 425124

The soldier is SS Scharführer and their usually not a sniper, so he might be armorer .
I disagree on Scope , Scope is Zeiss Zielvier IMO , take a closer look at Saddle & Dial , Mount is a Type III SSR
I wouldn't be surprised if the rifle is actually a Sauer. If the picture is after 1941 then that is a real possibility. The more I look at it the more I think it has a flat butt plate. And I see what Dave is talking about, might be a Zeiss scope. Either way, super cool picture
I also think it has a flat butt plate stock . If you look closely at the top of the range dial you can see it has a focus knob