WW1 Oberndorf Gew 98 Sniper Rifle Research

Gewehr 98 schematics for sniper bases???

I have a few questions. First does anyone know of schematics for Gewehr 98 shiper bases? And second. i need help with how to measure my !917 Danzig recieiver for the front and rear bases. And the double claw off set rings.
I need to make a schematic of the receiver holes the size of the rear base and the size of the front base. A Gunsmith may make them for me if i can come up with the correct measurements.
Any help i will be greatful for.
Best regards
I have a few questions. First does anyone know of schematics for Gewehr 98 shiper bases? And second. i need help with how to measure my !917 Danzig recieiver for the front and rear bases. And the double claw off set rings.
I need to make a schematic of the receiver holes the size of the rear base and the size of the front base. A Gunsmith may make them for me if i can come up with the correct measurements.
Any help i will be greatful for.
Best regards

There are repop bases and that will fit your receiver contour ,however the hole pattern is not the exact same....Seems they made a couple of different patterns.
I think you would be dollars ahead to get the repops and fill the exising holes in the bases and redrill to you receiver pattern if you didnt want to fill and drill your receiver to match the bases

I have a set I bought for mine that I can send you pics of if you want to get an idea for possibilities.

Bases for the gew 98 sniper rifle.

I bought a set of the French made Gew 98 sniper bases and rings. And you are right with the pattern does not match up. But i sold mine. I have a friend may have his gunsmith make them for me, Or he may have some original bases. If i can get so lucky.
I have the scope with original rings on it. For a off set.It is a busch with the rings marked B.
If you would could you please give me the measurements the claw bases? To see how far my claws are on or off>
I have watching the gew sniper rifle for sale. It looks like the stock has been sanded. And there are to many issues with it at that price.
Best regards


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While visiting Gunboards I noticed another thread has developed about a Mauser "sniper" rifle with a "n" suffix, though it is not known the date and I can't see the acceptance pattern to determine whether it is 1917 or not, it is at least possible.


While that thread is not especially important to this subject, it did jog my memory regarding a letter Joe Steen wrote me in February about this topic which is important. The letter's contents may have been answered already, but I will post it here regardless in case someone has a rifle that will answer his thoughts:

"I read through the posts on the 1917 Oberndorf Gew.98 rifles & came away with no clear idea what the story might have been. After some more pondering one idea came to me. As I understand it, two or three of these rifles are known to have their original stocks. These stocks, as it appears, do not have the wood cut out under the bolt handle area as one might expect.
There is, however, another unsettled question about these stocks that bears on this question. The G98 sniping rifles were fitted with bolts having handles very much like the Radfahrer G98, the K98b, and K98k, if I understand correctly. These bolts, unlike the K98a bolt, require that the wood above the bolt knob cutout also be cut away to permit the bolt to close fully. I rechecked the K98a to make sure I was correct in this point -- it is squared off at the top of the wood line just as is the G98.
I am fairly certain sniping G98 used the K98k profile bolt because a bolt with the round bend of the K98a will not (I am pretty certain) clear the ocular bell of a telescope in German military style mounts. Therefore if the rifles having original stocks which appear to be drilled & tapped for scope bases could not have had scopes and their original unaltered stocks fitted at the same time. Maybe you could have an owner of one of these rifles with original stocks check to see if the stock looks like I have indicated in the sketch below.

I hope this will prove of use in this interesting question.

He is correct in his assessment, of the three or four rifles that I have pictures of that show a matching-original stock, only one shows this "clearance cut" spot clearly- and it lacks the cut, - he is correct that a 98b or 98k bolt will not seat fully without one. Perhaps someone with an Imperial sniper rig can try to put a 98a bolt in their rifle and see if the bolt clears the scope?


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I'll try a K98A bolt with one of my snipers asap, and let you know.
BUT: I assume the scopes on these "Turk" snipers were not mounted over the bore, but off set to the left. With that mount you neither need a bent bolt, nor a cut out.
Your observation has to be correct because these rifles almost certainly had straight handled bolts, - how did your experiment go?

I'll try a K98A bolt with one of my snipers asap, and let you know.
BUT: I assume the scopes on these "Turk" snipers were not mounted over the bore, but off set to the left. With that mount you neither need a bent bolt, nor a cut out.
I somehow do not like that rifle .. the front scope base looks correct, but the screws of the rear scope base have been replaced, furthermore the bolt has Turkish (or Farsi?) markings on top.
The rear mount screw pattern does not match the one on my 1917,n"...not to say that there might be many that do not match,but all the ones I have seen(not many) so far match mine and Haneys.

serial #1916n, 8mm Mauser, 29 1/2" barrel with a bright about excellent bore. The metal surfaces on this Great War veteran are an overall dull gun metal gray patina with some scattered light pitting on the exposed portion of the barrel ahead of the front band and scattered light oxidation here and there. The stock and handguard rate very good as a lightly cleaned and very lightly refinished, with the remnants of overall light dings and handling marks remaining, the German acceptance and proof marks now being rather light and mostly indecipherable. The rifle exhibits all matching parts including the stock, all numbered "16", with the exception being the completely un-numbered bolt and striker assembly. The handle is appropriately bent however the stock is un-relieved in the area beneath the bolt handle. The front and rear receiver rings have been drilled and tapped for and fitted with bases which accommodate dual-claw, quick-detachable scope rings. The rear ring is offset while the front ring has see-through capability for utilizing the iron sights. The mounted scope is a Voigtlander Braunschweig 3X marked "Gewehr 7274bb", it shows some scant original blue and is primarily a lightly gray and brown oxidized patina, the markings however are still crisp. The scope features a heavy German reticle with single vertical-pointed bottom post and three heavy side and top posts; the optics are clear and crisp. The rings seem to fit the bases rather well, the front slightly loose, the rear ring is numbered along its bottom edge "7274" matching the scope. The rear sling swivel is not present, the front swivel is, as is the cleaning rod; the cleaning rod is not matching numbered. Overall a very good example of a German First World War sniper which certainly looks like it saw its time in the trenches, nicely all matching with an amazingly nice bore. (36306-6) {C&R} (3000/4000) SOLD FOR $3737.50

looks like someone got his fingers burned.
That rifle is a put together.

It doesn't look like the bases, mounts or scope belong on that rifle. However the rifle itself could be a real deal sniper. But its hard to tell without more photos. It would be very difficult to find a genuine unnumbered WW1 armourer's bent bolt, like on this rifle (& mine).
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I think the rifle was a true Mauser 1917 "n" block ex-sniper.
scope is missing the sun-shade.
scope/rings and bases/rifle do not match concerning condition.
Bend bolt??? NO.
That is a put together gun. Hopefully nobody from this forum bought it.
GEW 98 Sniper SN8364n

Does anyone have any information or the history on GEW 98 Sniper Serial number 8364n? Did anyone on the forum ever own it?

Amberg has been super in helping me with this rifle.

Thanks Pat

Pictures marked July 2011, source unknown.

The others known are documented on Gunboards already:

2533 n
5115 n
9197 n

Hope this helps.
Never owned it, but I have pictures of it in July 2011, probably Gun Broker.

Amberg is very sharp (and helpful) and good to have around when you have questions.

Does anyone have any information or the history on GEW 98 Sniper Serial number 8364n? Did anyone on the forum ever own it?

Amberg has been super in helping me with this rifle.

Thanks Pat


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GEW 98 Sniper

Yes, He has been great, yes that is it. I was just wondering who owned it before.

It is now in restored condition. Somebody put a lot of effort into it. It has sling and great scope. The bore is mint. If the rain stops, I will have chance to test it at the range.


Never owned it, but I have pictures of it in July 2011, probably Gun Broker.

Amberg is very sharp (and helpful) and good to have around when you have questions.


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