Volume II Printing Finished - Shipping Beginning Sept.30 "The family is complete!"

You were the first to order the complete set, so you got #1. :thumbsup:

I received half of mine today , the suspense is now killing me . I love my number.

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My father who was in the printing industry for 50 years was blown away by the quality of the photos and text..Its a amazing piece of work..Thanks
Come on man....where are my books? I took tomorrow off to read....I'm jonesing.....:moon::laugh:

We didn't ship yours, you said you were coming to pick them up? Ha, kidding. Yours were shipped Monday so you should get them soon...it's your postman's fault from Monday on.
I am driving my wife crazy. I constantly ask if any mail or packages came for me. Can't wait to go through these.
Not kidding

We didn't ship yours, you said you were coming to pick them up? Ha, kidding. Yours were shipped Monday so you should get them soon...it's your postman's fault from Monday on.

Seriously I took tomorrow off and passed on the Max show to spend the day reading....My mailman gets here around 12.....
Received my second package today. I literally can't fathom the amount of time and effort compiling all this information took. Massive props to both of you! A fantastic piece of history IMHO. Great work guys! :hail:
Got mine today! Only complaint....the pages arent water proof!? Ive drooled all over them! :laugh: Thanks guys!

Btw, don't they smell great? :thumbsup:

Yes they do. Mentioned that in my post when I received mine yesterday. Posted up in the K98k Volume Two Book Forum. I'm one of those that smells the pages of new books and magazines-guess I'm not the only one. Weird fetish-wonder if there are air fresheners with that oder? Even a new newspaper has it's unique smell. I've seen people in a store at the magazine rack take a free sniff.
These two books are great, So much to absorb, don't know where to start with them, best with page 1 of book one, but like a kid in a candy store filled with samples of everything-hard to chose. High fives to Mike and Bruce-you guys hit a game winning bottom of the ninth 7th game World Series grand slam homer and tossed a last play with 2 seconds of time left 95 yard game winning Super Bowl touchdown. :happy0180:
Glad you guys like them. Can't wait until everyone gets a chance to digest them and we can have some discussions about some of the material in them, there is quite a bit in there that is new ideas or new perspectives from factory documentation.

There will be a lot of deliveries today I think, including yours Jack.

..made mistake of opening in middle of Vol2....one hour later.... must be disciplined and go to Volume 1..

Opened box and put mylar protectors of over jacket as my palms are sweating..:hail:

Told family not to bug
me for a long time...


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..made mistake of opening in middle of Vol2....one hour later.... must be disciplined and go to Volume 1..

Opened box and put mylar protectors of over jacket as my palms are sweating..:hail:

Told family not to bug
me for a long time...

Remember the bathroom is the best place no one is going to bug you in there!
WooHoo! Got mine today too, after a quick 15 minute glance over, looks spectacular!!!

Glad to see my 660 1939 in there....:thumbsup: Have to dig through and see how many others might have made the cut...

Although its true...I got the crapper books...they've been flagged...and there was a piece of TP stuck to them...at least it was clean TP!



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They are here!

When I went to the mail box I found a nice big box. I could hardly wait to open it. I wasn't disappointed. It took me a long time just to look through them and see what they contained. Great job guys my winter reading is now here. I know what I will be doing any spare time I have.
Any ideas when the West Coast deliveries will be? I'm in Kalifornia, envious of all you guys who have received it!
Mine arrived today also. My compliments on the care taken in packaging. Box kicked around a bit, but dust covers are immaculate. Maybe you guys can consult with the cheap bastards at Amazon...

Love the photo on the IIa cover.
Mine arrived today,what an awesome job you guys did. The book got me in trouble though, I was still reading instead of making dinner when my wife got home:facepalm: