Volume II available for pre-order now!


No War Eagles For You!
Staff member
Just got word from the printers, we are 100% good to go on the schedule, one book is complete and the other is in process. We've got assurances that we WILL have a decent quantity of both books available for pickup by the end of next week, guaranteed. This is enough to satisfy any pre-orders we get.

So - with that promise we are opening up pre-orders. Really, more of a backorder, and we will start shipping the books October 2. We will most likely have a smaller delivery earlier in the week next week, but our plan is to begin shipping Monday so we can box, sign and number books next weekend. It's going to be a big task!

As to pricing - we are going to offer the set of 2 books for $135.00. The 4 volume set is $345.00. It's expensive, but only 10.00 more than the single Vol.1. We don't print these overseas using foreign labor - these are printed here in the USA using a company in Ohio, about an hours drive from Bruce. He will physically go pick these up when they are ready, no shipping wait!


IMPORTANT - when you checkout, make sure you put your existing book number in the comments section. We have no way to track your book number, even by your customer number!! This is important! We are doing the pre-order so we will have a stack of orders ready to go when I get to Ohio - we are doing first in - first out!

Want to make a note - if you are ordering from overseas, USE THE PAYPAL OPTION You can used your credit card there - some people are having issues from overseas addresses matching up to cards, the problem is Authorize.net, the credit card middle man who cross checks addresses/cards. Their system has problems matching up certain foreign addresses, I have no idea why some work fine and others don't. If your order doesn't go through the first time try the PayPal option. This even happens with some US addresses. So if you are having issues with the system not accepting your card, try the PayPal option. It's on the first section of the ordering screen. Thanks.
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Do you already have a numbered set? Wanting to see if that is in the comments.

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No I don't have any numbered books presently. That's why I wanted to order the full set. So glad you offered that!

Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
Fantastic!! I ordered my numbered set #30


Ps: the order confirmation arrived exactly as submitted.
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Just ordered my numbered Vol II. 008 d. Can't wait to get it, I'll have good reading for several months. :thumbsup: Are these signed Farb?
YEE HAWWW... Just ordered my set! Can't wait !:thumbsup::hail::thumbsup: Thanks a TON for all the work you guys put into this series :happy0180:

I tried to order too, but failed three times - however, my Credit Card provider confirmed the payment three times .. please have a short look into this.
Crappy cell service prevented my ordering last night and early this morning. However I was able to punch through with order 392. Thank you Bruce and Mike for undertaking this monumental effort. I know that everyone in the collecting community appreciates your efforts and anxiously awaits the arrival of these books.
I will say this, overseas credit card orders are difficult for some reason, I was told the system has problems connecting an address to the card, and it gets declined by Authorize.net, the card processor. If you have issues, use the PayPal option, you can still use your card but PayPal has a different check system which deals better with overseas addresses and credit cards.