Volume II available for pre-order now!

Good job and cant wait

I will say this, overseas credit card orders are difficult for some reason, I was told the system has problems connecting an address to the card, and it gets declined by Authorize.net, the card processor. If you have issues, use the PayPal option, you can still use your card but PayPal has a different check system which deals better with overseas addresses and credit cards.

Yes, something about using your credit card wont let you figure out the shipping cost. So I used paypal with no problems. Paypal also has a quote section for the authors, should you need it numbered and signed.
Order placed.

Now about Volume 4, Foreign weapons of the German Army............

We call that Volume "Beutewaffen", the research has started but it won't be Vol.4, it will be a standalone. However, due to potential divorce proceedings if my wife finds out, we don't speak of any other books, I have to wait long enough for her to forget how much work doing these 4 books was. :laugh:
Ordered today

Just ordered the 4 book set. My order number is 415. Am looking forward to some great information and a good read. Thanks to all who made these books possible. Should be the definitive work on the K98k.

We call that Volume "Beutewaffen", the research has started but it won't be Vol.4, it will be a standalone. However, due to potential divorce proceedings if my wife finds out, we don't speak of any other books, I have to wait long enough for her to forget how much work doing these 4 books was. :laugh:

Rifles, pistols, machine guns, tanks?
Want to make a note - if you are ordering from overseas, USE THE PAYPAL OPTION You can used your credit card there - some people are having issues from overseas addresses matching up to cards, the problem is Authorize.net, the credit card middle man who cross checks addresses/cards. Their system has problems matching up certain foreign addresses, I have no idea why some work fine and others don't. If your order doesn't go through the first time try the PayPal option. This even happens with some US addresses. So if you are having issues with the system not accepting your card, try the PayPal option. It's on the first section of the ordering screen. Thanks.
Ordered volume 2 to complete my two sets #50 and #95a. Thanks Mike and Bruce for the hard work you put into this project!
New Books

I just got my new two volume set ordered. I was order number 484. I need my books numbered 28 the same as my KM book is numbered. I can hardly wait to get them.
Mike, it looks like you will have books available for the MAX show. Is it possible to take delivery there on Friday?
Thanks Jeff
I think Bruce is going to me at the Max show and can bring books.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Order # 514

Just finished ordering Vol.2 books plus a full set to put away. Order # 514! Looking forward to receiving the books.
I had a problem ordering last week tryed for an hour to buy 2 sets for David Hunter and myself in New Zealand,tryed my wifes credit card and my own.We have possibly been charged 4 times and no frieght charge to a USA address,BUGGER.How do we contact them.
I had a problem ordering last week tryed for an hour to buy 2 sets for David Hunter and myself in New Zealand,tryed my wifes credit card and my own.We have possibly been charged 4 times and no frieght charge to a USA address,BUGGER.How do we contact them.

Sent you a PM Allister.

How to order direct? I don't use credit cards or Paypal for PERSEC reasons. I will gladly mail Mike or Bruce a certified bank check or USPS money order. No need for numbered books or anything special.
Just checked out. Order Number 544. Look forward to receiving and thanks guys for all of your hard work.