I don't think Coyote Coroner is coming back. I don't understand the point of asking something you obviously don't know much about then not accepting the answer.
(Disclaimer) This receiver has completely phony and insultingly stupid markings. Everyone here, except for CC, sees and understands this.
In case CC is still lurking I'm going to post a few more tidbits:
1) unless it is class 3 and registered, there is virtually no German small arm that has any collectible value as a stripped receiver. Even if it were original, and it is not, it would not be worth anything like this. Even the finish appears to be missing, so actually even worse than if it were just stripped of parts.
2) it is a pre-98 action of some sort. Why would the Germans waste 10 seconds to add those (crude and fraudulent) markings to a rifle that would never be front line in the 1930's or 1940's?
3) 30-06? Really? I am sure the Germans would have wanted that.
4) I wouldn't keep this thing on my desk as a paperweight. It is just that bad. Maybe give it away as a gag gift at a party where you wear your most embarrassing holiday sweater. Another possibility would be to take it to a gun buyback and get a gift certificate.
5) one more that occurred to me and this is for CC also. How many offers have you received in your inbox from people trying to buy this item from you? Zero. What do you think normally happens when someone posts photos of something desirable asking for help here?