Very Weird Nazi bare rifle action, with Photo's

I don't think Coyote Coroner is coming back. I don't understand the point of asking something you obviously don't know much about then not accepting the answer.

(Disclaimer) This receiver has completely phony and insultingly stupid markings. Everyone here, except for CC, sees and understands this.

4) I wouldn't keep this thing on my desk as a paperweight. It is just that bad. Maybe give it away as a gag gift at a party where you wear your most embarrassing holiday sweater. Another possibility would be to take it to a gun buyback and get a gift certificate.
Or, the ‘booby prize’ at your local collector’s club Christmas pot luck supper. My vintage motorcyle racing club gives a ‘Bent Valve’ trophy for the worst crash or blown engine of the season, this could be a new tradition here, the person with the worst fake (like this OP) etc would receive a photo of this ‘creation’ (since we don’t possess it) attached to a ‘certificate of fraudulence’ signed by Fat Scotty or wz.29. (or bad seller of choice)
Another naive new poster that will never come back after not getting the answer they wanted. In other words, free entertainment.
He`ll find the K98 Facebook group and get the answer he wants. Might even be able to unload both of his "weird" mauser items he has posted.
Here`s the other post.
English lesson:
In the thread title, the word “Photo’s” is meant to denote more than one photo, therefore plural. In the English language, plurals do not use apostrophes.
Apostrophes are used to show possession, conjunctions or abbreviation of words.

This error is becoming more prevalent in usage. I wish that English teachers would stress this point more and that students would stay awake more in class.

My $0.02 worth. I’ll stand down.
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