The war in the East became ruthless in general. Stalingrad was a good example and both sides had to live and fight like animals, and for their life.
The Japanese were not especially kind either. Those "surrendering" often used a grenade or something to take out the folks trying to take them prisoner.
With my statements I don't want to better represent the German soldiers, we all know on the German side there were crimes against humanity. I have German and Russian documents and could observe the following:
Operation Barbarossa started June 22, 1941 and the Commissar Order (Guidelines for the Treatment of Political Commissars) was issued by the German High Command already June 6, 1941. Since the campaign started, there are many examples and the order was executed very often, in some cases there was written in the daily reports of the German units "Political Commissars got treated" and in other reports very clear "Political Commissars got shot".
The German soldiers was shocked about the cruel treatment of German prisoner of war and I have early reports about it. As example a report by 56th Infantry Division of June 26, 1941 says: "
Wounded German soldiers again murdered or heavily mutilated. Eyes cut out, nailed to the floor with bayonets, the genitals were cut off and put in the mouth etc."
On the other side the German soldiers were admonished that the Russian soldiers should be treated humanely, that the Political Commissars are responsible for crimes. I have examples of German soldiers who didn't adhere to the warning and beat Russian soldiers. But these German officers and soldiers who beat or even shot the Russian POW got a court martial. They came to penal unit, prison and some got capital punishment.
Another example by 298th Infantry Division of July 28, 1941: "
Special incident: 1 Russian officer and 15 Russian soldiers were shot by Pi. Batl. near "Hill 211" in reprisal, because one of the Russians who had surrendered subsequently shot a Gefreiter snivellingly in the back."
The war in the East became ruthless, nevertheless some orders and documents surprise me. A good example is "
Wages of prisoner of war" by Army High Command (OKH/GenStdH/GenQu/IVa VII,2 Az. 961 Nr. I/R/4000/44). The order is about wages for non-russian and Russian prisoner of war. Note, it's for
standard POW and not Hiwi (voluntary assistant).
1. ) Prisoners of war who work full-time and adequate receive daily a wage of
a) 0,70 Reichsmark = non-russian prisoners of war
b) 0,50 Reichsmark = Russian prisoners of war
2. ) The most industrious and efficient prisoners of war may be granted wage supplements according to the nature and values of their work, namely:
a) For simple work that can be done after a short instruction - Wage supplement per working day: up to 0,20 Reichsmark for non-russian and 0,10 Reichsmark for Russian prisoners of war
b) For work requiring a certain level of expertise and working knowledge - Wage supplement per working day: up to 0,40 Reichsmark for non-russian and 0,20 Reichsmark for Russian prisoners of war
c) For specialist work requiring professional manual skills or professional knowledge - Wage supplement per working day: up to 0,80 Reichsmark for non-russian and 0,40 Reichsmark for Russian prisoners of war
d) For difficult technical work, which requires good professional skills and knowledge, a learned profession and independent work - Wage supplement per working day: up to 1,20 Reichsmark for non-russian and 0,60 Reichsmark for Russian prisoners of war
3. ) Prisoners of war who do not perform full-fledged work (for example, out of physical weakness or unwillingness to work) or who are only employed on an hourly basis receive a correspondingly reduced wage. Supplements are not eligible.
The minimum wage is to be paid per working day: 0,30 Reichsmark for non-russian and 0,15 Reichsmark for Russian prisoners of war
Now we are far from the topic, in my next post I will return to the original topic.