Third Party Press

Update on FG42 from SMG Guns

To those who have the FGs (both T1 or T2), how do you like shooting them? Are the triggers on the latest ones decent? Compared to a mil spec AR trigger, how bad is the trigger? Also heard that when the rifles heat up there's a tendency for them to jam, is this true?
I shot my type 2 just once. I likely will again in the future but for me it's too expensive of a rifle to take out shooting often. I would much rather just look at it, take it apart now and then and in general use it as a museum piece. I don't fault anyone else for shooting there's but that's just my take on them.

Going off memory, my t2 had a smooth but heavy/long trigger pull.
We had no jamming issues when taking it out.

Rick gives a DVD with instructions on taking apart/what type of ammo to use.
Did anyone get a T1 in a lacquer finish? I am just curious how it looks. The website has no pictures of anything that I could find.
Received this today:

Sending this to everyone hoping it will catch not only those on the waiting list but those who have already purchased an FG42 in the past.
Here are a couple of really nice book reviews on our rifles. I am sure most of you have seen most of the youtube vids including the awesome ones from Ian at Forgotten weapons but you may not be aware of these publications. This is not something we are involved in in any way and they do not sugar coat the rifle so might be a good read!
Here is a link to his site:, or
We are currently sold out of the T-II rifle for this run, both calibers, we are now working on.
We were forced to make a price increase and although we did loose a few buyers because of it, the majority stayed on, thank you! Because of this there are no more unspoken for T-II receivers and we will not have any more available again until deep into next year.
And the Russians are still in Ukraine so scopes we were buying to make the T-I scope/mount setup will be in short supply as will be some of the steel components we were buying. Had no idea that was where the stuff was coming from until our US supplier said "no longer available".

But we are steadily working on the next batch of T-I receivers that will finally include the .308 version. I look forward to this rifle finally making it out the gate. Should be a good shooter and will take the mags for the .308 T-II interchangeably.

Thats all for the moment. Just like to put something out occasionally so you know we are still here!
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Thanks Dave. I ordered the new book from Amazon. Can't wait to receive my Fg42, hopefully around the end of the year.
Just got an email from Rick concerning bolt finish options. This may be pertaining to type 2 orders only. I emailed asking for clarification.

That said in his email he said he expects to call people for payment over the next 2-3 weeks. So some people are going to be happy this Christmas!
Got the email too. Think I had the bolt being blued. The “as heat treated” seems interesting. Not sure what to pick now.
Yeah I got the email tonight at 7:10, not like I'm excited or anything.

Although all the pictures shown in the email were of T-II rifles, so I think it might just apply to those rifles. But I still opted for a blued bolt, to match the rest of the finish options on my T-I.

I asked for clarification sake if the choice of bolt finish options of "in the white" (no finish), heat treated "a brownish finish", or blued finish pertained to the T-I. I'll make sure to keep this thread posted on the update.

I also asked for clarification sake if the first batch that he is taking payment for over the next few weeks, will be going out with T-I rifles or T-II or both.

I think I speak for most of those waiting on their rifles in this thread that we are delighted to be one step closer!
Thanks for the heads up. I got the email also.

Insert the "It's happening isn't it?" gif. Super excited.

Guys. I ordered the Type 1 so evidently the bolt finish choice pertains to both Type 1 and Type 2.

I don't know yet which finish is best.
Just got an email from Rick concerning bolt finish options. This may be pertaining to type 2 orders only. I emailed asking for clarification.

That said in his email he said he expects to call people for payment over the next 2-3 weeks. So some people are going to be happy this Christmas!
Curious on whether this applies to T1 as well. Let us know what he says. I was going to ask the same thing but no point in inundating him with the same question over again.
I agree, I think it's good for us to attempt to keep everyone up to date so we don't all ask the same question.

After the meantioned payments are collected over the coming weeks the first batch to go out will all be T-II/G models.

That is all I know, but perhaps after this latest batch of T-II/G rifles are processed a batch of T-I/E models could be still to come this year! If not for Christmas it'll make a helluva way to start 2023!

Military Rifle Journal