Type 1 SMG Starts Shipping Tomorrow

Yeah ne too Dave. I haven't asked for a plane so I can't relate to that however she never questions my gun buys so I'll live with that.

I'll be honest I love the 'above my pay grade' reference. I think we can both understand that metric.

Well in my case everyone who meets my Maria always tells me that.

I have a very close friend John Sylvester, who retired as a Lt. Gen., who turned to me the first time he met her, and said, God Damn how did you sucker her into marrying you. She's "WAY ABOVE YOUR PAY GRADE".

I replied, "Hell John she's way above your pay grade too".

He laughed and said "yeah, you're right"......
Curious guys. Does the receiver recoil into the buttstock like the type 2 on this type 1? I know there was some back and forth whether it would. I know on my original it does not and the buttstock is locked in place. On my smg type 2 the receiver does and this actual helps a lot with felt recoil.
Women.. you always pay for it somehow.

God knows I got extremely lucky. I must admit that before I met Maria, I met Miss Lazy, Miss Crazy, Miss Bitch,Miss Entitled, Miss Spoiled, and all the other Misfires and their assorted cousins.......

Maybe the fact that my wife is Greek was the difference but , she has a cousin that is just an Absolute Intolerable Bitch, on any given day, with 5 failed marriages to prove it........
Quick question - in case CA 10 round magazine limit stays, any suggestion on either modifying ZB26/30 mag for 10 rounds or fitting another 10 round 8mm mag to Type I (e.g., G43/K43 one like this one https://waffenmeisters.com/index.ph...oduct_id=300&search=magazine&description=true). Much appreciate the advice.

Yes only use zb26 mags.There are many ways to “permanently” block the mag to 10-rounds. I’d recommend a simple google search on how people are accomplishing that. Atleast with the type 1 you can use stripper clips in the ejection port. I used to live in CA so I feel your pain. Still CA laws are absolutely insane to make sense of.
Sorry to go back on the 10 mag question as I don’t have an experience with ZB26/30 - in your opinion a couple of rivets should the trick to limit it then, shouldn’t they?
Sorry to go back on the 10 mag question as I don’t have an experience with ZB26/30 - in your opinion a couple of rivets should the trick to limit it then, shouldn’t they?

I own an FG42 of Rick's first production run from 2013. The magazine is a non-issue, Rick just blocks the follower to where the mag can only accept 10 rds and that's it.
The much bigger issue is making it a "non-assault" rifle to please our Kommiefornia overlords. It cannot be shipped into our socialist paradise the way it looks like in the YouTube unboxing videos. It needs to be made featureless by adding a giant grip fin that looks like the rudder of the Bismarck. Or modified so you can only remove the mag after "disassembling the action", whatever this means.
As long as we -out of Politikal Korrecktness- keep stuffing DOJ and AG positions with 2nd generation immigrants and women who are more than happy to appease to millenials and gimmidats by trading freedom for perceived safety, Kommiefornia will impose more draconian restrictions on gun owners. Vote the bums out!
Planning on shooting mine Saturday.

Thanks for the video and hope to hear how she shoots soon. Here’s the original type 1 used for the engravings copies next to my trusty SMG FG42 type 2


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One thing I wanted to point out about the bipod on the type 1 and we’ve all heard the fact that they do not stay locked open and have a tendency to fall forward. And Rick had made the smart choice and adding a locking method. On mine, while it is true they don’t stay as positively locked open as the type 2, they definitely do somewhat stay in the open position. They will not fall forward for instance if you lifted the open bipod rifle and tilted barrel down. They want to stay open when open. I think it’s just when firing, the recoil effect over powers this massively and it will fall if not held or pressed forward. Also I’m sure these old rifles have different amounts of wear and the bipod were certainly not the strongpoint.

I also wanted to point out that the ZFG42 scope and mount are not real. I was working with Tomio at Shoei at the time so his latest batch of replica scope mounts had accurate rail tolerance to the real thing. So that’s what’s going on there. Don’t want to give the wrong idea with that.
Love your original, thanks for posting. I have a friend with several and hope to get side by side pictures of SMG's replica with one just to see if forum members can spot any differences.
My new range review video is rendering now (on an ancient laptop). We had lots of fun today at our local sportsman's club range with it. A few curious fishermen wondered what in the world we were shooting and they couldn't believe how soft the recoil was for full power 8mm.


There was one ftf during the session, otherwise it was flawless. The small target at 50 yards was peppered like swiss cheese even though I was barely aiming while concentrating on a million other things. Because of that I did not mention accuracy in the review; we'll cover that in a future edition.

Once rendered and uploaded, I'll post a new thread so everyone that's interested can see how it ran "out of the box" at the range today.
My new range review video is rendering now (on an ancient laptop). We had lots of fun today at our local sportsman's club range with it. A few curious fishermen wondered what in the world we were shooting and they couldn't believe how soft the recoil was for full power 8mm.


There was one ftf during the session, otherwise it was flawless. The small target at 50 yards was peppered like swiss cheese even though I was barely aiming while concentrating on a million other things. Because of that I did not mention accuracy in the review; we'll cover that in a future edition.

Once rendered and uploaded, I'll post a new thread so everyone that's interested can see how it ran "out of the box" at the range today.

That would be awesome to do a side by side! I bet it is very close. I like in your video how you mentioned that it looked too new. It’s true we are are so used to seeing only worn examples. One thing I’d be interested in is the weight and how it compares.