Turd Alerts

Those Harbor Freight dies produce crisp serial #'s. Did the single rune die have a previous career at Hyundai?

How much did you pay for your Lend Lease if you don't mind me asking? If you're more comfortable dming me that's cool too. I'm in the market to buy one and wanted to know what's a fair price to pay.

I typically see run of the mill Lee-Enfields in the $5-600 range.
Sorry, I don't have the exact amount but couldn't have been more than $600. This was in 2015. Wish these K98s could be found that low!
Alarm bells? That thing is a poster child for Bubba's kidz.
Throw the challenge flag

Omg. Another runed (pardon the pun) piece by some shitbag who just couldn't leave well enough alone. It's horribly bad... by any standard. This makes Drago look like an artist and someone with restraint. Wtf is that idiotic stamp on the butt plate? And look at those bidders gone wild!! Some lucky loser is going to 'win' a high dollar POS. Utter junk. Like Warrior said the other day.. "I used to feel sorry for these guys". Well not me anymore either. Have at it. Spend ALL the money I can't wait for this whole retard festival to burn itself out. Hopefully in a credit card implosion.
How about this one? https://www.gunbroker.com/item/894514209

Being new still I’m thinking the ‘SSZZA4’ stamp on both sides is not correct? But I’m still learning and there is so much out there.

And I’m not claiming anything about the seller, just asking if my gut feeling about something being off is right.
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not sure if this has been posted yet, but I thought I would double post just incase. Wanted to make sure this would not fool any of our more esteemed collectors...


I present to you a rifle so rare its a one of none

humped stock and bluing. The metal may be fine I didnt get that far

Otto, I saw this one a while back. An amazing SS turd to say the least. That stock, so smooth, it was definitely a wartime feature. :googlie
This rifle is the epitome of why Mitchell’s Mausers is bad. The idiot that did this was using Mitchell’s ads as a basis for originality, and this is the result.

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Obviously a wreck, but action at least looks like a real SS rework. I haven't looked at every detail, but probably a decent rifle before someone worked on it.

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Obviously a wreck, but action at least looks like a real SS rework. I haven't looked at every detail, but probably a decent rifle before someone worked on it.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

My thoughts exactly... Maybe an American capture gun so it never came with the correct bolt to begin with. As an early rework and code I would think that would be one of the more valuable SS rifles. Too bad... I would be hard pressed to pay $500 for it let alone $9,500
I would think that would be one of the more valuable SS rifles. Too bad... I would be hard pressed to pay $500 for it let alone $9,500

Yes. Again no problem with the base rifle but literally everything this guy did to it made it worse and less valuable IMHO.
May I suggest a separate stickied thread where rifles that are confirmed to be humped are labeled and organized by receiver serial number in case down the road they become “original”

With no commentary allowed so it’s just an archive of duds. It would also aid newer collectors, myself included, in spotting bad numbers and reworks
I think I might see ghosting of a serial number on the left side of the butt stock in photo #8?
Strange too that the stock isn't externally numbered on the bottom??? Not really since it's a 1940 MO stock anyway. ALL MATCHING!!!! :facepalm: