The Most Laughable "Sniper" I've Seen

Love the photos taken with a potato. Also, wtf is bnc? It clearly says bnz, yet the guy writes bnc twice lol. Also looks like was used by Iraq.

God, how I wish Gunbroker had a comment section and a laugh emoji....
What? Someone help me out here. I don't see the issues....... There is a good chance that I will get an email asking if this is a good rifle.

Amazing photos. Bruce could have used them for the book had he known.
What a humble starting bid for such a fascinating piece
I don't know how or for how much he acquired this one but last week they were high bidder on another turd posted. I guess if you're buying them high what else are you going to do?
Ehh, the double sniper with regular mounts and a zf41 rail is still the holder of the most ridiculous sniper.
I don’t know. This is an uber rare hand stamped bcd/bnz imperial receiver that went through a polish rework then to Iraq. Dang, I just let the cat out of the bag. Sorry interested bidders.
It’s got an M on the stock. Did the navy place sniper orders? Saw a dude at a show 10 years ago with one that looked similar to this with a wild story on how the Kriegsmarine would use snipers to shoot mines.
Yes this is one them Ultra Rare mine shooting snapper raffles , a must have for any Siri-ous sniper collector .
I know the story was bs, but help me out. I don’t think the navy had field units the way the luftwaffe did, but is there any possibility that a branch other than the Heer and SS ordered snipers?
I know the story was bs, but help me out. I don’t think the navy had field units the way the luftwaffe did, but is there any possibility that a branch other than the Heer and SS ordered snipers?
As far as the mine shooting snipers I'll assume it would only be possible for floating mines and at that would some of their armor piercing or supers be able to light them off? Penetrate yes. Explode? Idk. Were nations still using floating antiship mines pre-war? Not my lane.
The mine story is bs. I’m curious if luftwaffe/Kreigsmarine ordered snipers for field divisions/ units
Like I said that's not in my wheelhouse so I couldn't call BS one way or another. Was the Luftwaffe responsible for forward deployed AA? I could see snipers being helpful defending them.
Now I'm curious and did some cursory research. Would they employ say a light flak battery to protect what we'd call combat or field trains? Operated by Luft troops kilometers behind the front?