T Gewehr value/price.


Senior Member
Always wanted one and saw one for sale. What would be a fair price for a matching VG+ gun uncleaned as found with a nice patina? Nice bore and VG+ first pattern bipod. Thx.
Probably 12-15k
Yeah 10ish on the lower end, a few of the auction houses have pushed 20k. I think 12-15 is a fair price for a complete one with bipod. The ones with the tubular bipods to me are worth slightly more as they were purpose built for these, rather than the repurposed mg08/15 ones.

The low SN kurz models carry a significant premium and are 20k+ all day
The low SN kurz models carry a significant premium and are 20k+ all day

Agree completely with the above. And for clarification, my list of prices above are all for "standard" model rifles sold in the last 24 months.
Wow and thank you. I was not aware of a Kurz model! Is that a shorter barrel? I think there’s a thread here I can look and catch up on reading. Thx again.
Yeah the kurz is substantially rarer. Fully marked rear sight distances and a slightly shorter and heavier barrel. I think there are 2-3 floating around here in the US. I bid on one at Morphy, but went higher than I could go at the time. Another cracked 30k at Poulin last year.
I did see a T-Gewehr at .. amoskeag? Don’t quite remember, but it was on proxibid with an opening bid of 6-6.5k. I don’t think anyone bid on it as it just gave a “Lot Closed” where the sold price typically is, but I am still new to proxibid.
Good Evening,

It's already on hold. Did you purchase it?

I paid $12,000 for mine, with all matching numbers and a very low serial number (#265), two year ago. It had a reproduction stamped bipod that I replaced with an OEM tubular bipod. Total, after the bipod swap was $13,000. Randy
I paid $12,000 for mine, with all matching numbers and a very low serial number (#265), two year ago. It had a reproduction stamped bipod that I replaced with an OEM tubular bipod.
With that low serial number it should have an 08/15 type bipod, the tubular type came along a little later into production.
Good Morning,

If you check with Kern's Das Tankgewehr Mauser M 1918 (p.136), you will see that the Tubular bipod was the original. Randy
Good Morning,

If you check with Kern's Das Tankgewehr Mauser M 1918 (p.136), you will see that the Tubular bipod was the original. Randy
I'm curious to know if the author cites any specific period manufacturer documentation to substantiate this? Or is it the assumption based on a limited sampling? All the earliest period photos I've seen of this gun in the field show only the 08/15 bipods installed, while just beginning to observe the tubular type in slightly later field photos. It has always been my understanding that the 08/15 was the original issued bipod which was found to be inadequate and was subsequently addressed by the development of the tubular type.
Is there a source of ammo or brass/projectiles if one wants to fire these?
Dig around the forum a bit, I remember a thread from a while ago where someone here got one firing.

Random early morning googling shows at least one company making projectiles - https://hammerbullets.com/product/525-cal-878gr-target-hammer/ If all you wanted was to punch paper at 100 yard I'd imagine there are a lot of options for getting something good enough. If nothing else you could probably special order some lathe turned projectiles.

No idea on the cases, but I'd imagine if you look around someone out there has figured out a way to make them. People do shoot these things so it's not impossible.
Dig around the forum a bit, I remember a thread from a while ago where someone here got one firing.

Random early morning googling shows at least one company making projectiles - https://hammerbullets.com/product/525-cal-878gr-target-hammer/ If all you wanted was to punch paper at 100 yard I'd imagine there are a lot of options for getting something good enough. If nothing else you could probably special order some lathe turned projectiles.

No idea on the cases, but I'd imagine if you look around someone out there has figured out a way to make them. People do shoot these things so it's not impossible.
Thanks for the info. Are these considered a NFA item like a Boys because the bore diameter is greater than .50?
Dig around the forum a bit, I remember a thread from a while ago where someone here got one firing.

Random early morning googling shows at least one company making projectiles - https://hammerbullets.com/product/525-cal-878gr-target-hammer/ If all you wanted was to punch paper at 100 yard I'd imagine there are a lot of options for getting something good enough. If nothing else you could probably special order some lathe turned projectiles.

No idea on the cases, but I'd imagine if you look around someone out there has figured out a way to make them. People do shoot these things so it's not impossible.
I have a friend that makes ammunition for these. I'm happy to share his information if anyone would like it. Just PM me.